Well, today is my birthday - Brenna and I had lots of fun making our pink frosting and pink cake yesterday along with our trip to the zoo. Can't wait to cut into the cake and see how my homemade strawberry cake is (this is my first attempt at a homemade strawberry cake and I did some motifications that I really hope work out :-) Our trip to the zoo. I thought Brenna was going to be our photographer of the day, but after this picture she was just interested in finding popcorn and seeing the animals...

picture fun at the bus stop (funny, Brenna was ready to pose and have her picture there and it was not a very pretty spot - the green behind her is the trash can) (but she looks good!)

Brenna and I had a fairly busy day yesterday. I decided we should go into town by bus in the morning, but as we got closer, I thought about the playground idea I originally had and decided maybe a trip to the zoo would be better. The morning weather was perfect (plus, I knew that I would not be able to bend and play with Brenna at the park - and it isn't much fun to play by yourself). So, we hoped on the train to Karlsruhe and spent our morning at the zoo (we didn't stay long - just enough time to enjoy the animals and some zoo food (hot dogs and popcorn) and then we headed back to our town). I am glad that we did decide to come back home as I had a headache by the afternoon (and I didn't prepare my backpack to be out longer than the morning - I took no snacks and no drinks - good thing the weather wasn't too hot). We found some drinks in town and then took the bus back home (we also found some new shoes for Brenna - hope she gets good use out of them this summer). We made another trip to the store in town and then we made our cake and frosting. Brenna was starting to get tired by this point, but we managed a quick call to daddy and then it was off to bed. We can't wait until he is home today - hopefully all will be on time and he will be home sometime after lunch. (the weather here is rainy all day so it will be a pretty lazy morning indoors here). (in case you are wondering how my back is doing - still stiff (about the same as yesterday), but the pain isn't so bad - probably need to start some stretches today to get some flexibility back to it - ugh - I'm too young to be falling apart!).