Justice and Brenna out in the snow last week. She still loves playing on her swingset even in the cold weather - brrr... (we are working on taking Justice up the slide and down. We found out yesterday that he did pretty well climbing the slide itself rather than the stairs - we took him on those last week (which was hard work for me, lol)).

Hello All!!
Hope all is well out there! Things are good here - lots of snow of though! Brenna is loving the winter snow so far - wonder how long that will last??? (She is really relating snow to Christmas - wonder what she will think of all the after Christmas snow, lol).
Our craft fair that I posted the pictures of didn't go as well as we had hoped, but at least my mom, sister, and I had a fun time visiting! I had a chance to attend my niece's birthday party the next day (Brenna stayed home with Dustin - they had lots of fun at a German friend gathering with some of his coworkers). I love all the pictures my niece took with my camera at the party :-)
Last week, Brenna only had school 2 days due to the bad weather (snow and blowing snow) (looks like this week will be the same - she went today, but not yesterday). Our neighbor came over last week and played with Brenna on Tuesday when school was closed - Brenna had lots of fun with that! We made soap after we came in (even though Brenna just wanted to play with her friend, lol). Dustin's company Christmas party was on Saturday evening, but he didn't decide to go until the middle of the week (or at least he didn't tell me about it until then!). But, I was able to make a nice dress to wear (or at least a very comfortable one, lol - got to love stretchy fabric!). (and since I saved money with using fabric I already had and a pattern I already had - I treated myself to new boots for the party :-) Brenna stayed overnight with Dustin's parents (and of course had a lot of fun!!) and we had a great time at the party. The company had a nice meal and then a casino night - (crazy to think for me - even with fake money I didn't like to loose it, lol). The dealers were all very good at handing out chips though!
We had a big snow storm that started here on Sunday and closed schools yesterday and Monday. Glad that with our current schedule Brenna and I could just stay inside with the icky weather outside. We did go out and play in the snow yesterday once all the blowing finally slowed down. I'm sure Brenna would have liked to play outside longer than I let her, but she still had fun playing in the snow on her swingset :-)
Other than that, I am working on Christmas gifts here still - sure I am not going to get them all finished in time (and my Christmas cards are behind too! Where did all my time go??) Oh, well - I may have to send everyone New Year greeting cards, lol!
Anyway, take care!!