so, here are some pictures from our valentine week. Brenna loved the card she got in the mail from Divine Miss Gammy - almost good enough to eat :-) - below, styling her shades (too bad you can see me in the picture (don't look to closely at the reflection, lol).

I get a lot of tongue shots - it is easier sometimes than a smile shot with my little girl...

Loving her daddy...

we tried out paper towel curlers last week (you just tear a paper towel into strips and then tie them). We didn't have consistent curls at all - I guess I am not to talented at the art of putting paper in her hair, lol!

the results of our paper towel curlers... (Brenna didn't originally want to show any teeth, but we finally found some later in the morning)

before school - she loves her new tangled t-shirts (can you tell that is all she wanted to wear last week)

Yesterday, we were joined by some great friends and went to the ice festival in our town. Before they arrived, we had to check out the new bakery in town (it is for pets). Justice enjoyed one of the yummy treats yesterday.

Ice sculptures - I think this one was my favorite :-)


angel fish

dog with newspaper


pink panther (for the owens corning in town)

i think the castle was one of my favorites (not sure why i didn't try to make my picture straight, but oh, well)

the cups and tee pot at Miss Molly's Tee Room (which we all decided was a little too fancy for our tired little ones)

Had to include my sad eyed dog in a picture - he enjoyed an early morning walk with me on Sunday

A picture of Brenna's valentines. The ones with M&M's went to her preschool and the ones with Smarties went to dance class (I think next year I will just do the ones like the dance class - with my new paper cutter they were really quick and easy - although the ones with candy weren't too bad either (but I was more tempted to eat M&M's than Smarties))

Brenna with her candy heart ring :-)

Hello All!!!!
Hope all is well out there. Brenna started with a fever yesterday evening and isn't feeling so great today :-(
Brenna had a great Valentine's week (who knew she would get so much candy??). We enjoyed the warmer weather last week with a trip to the zoo on Thursday. I think Brenna likes the climbing wall at the zoo more than anything, but at least they have something fun for the kids to do in the winter time there.
I was glad to see the snow gone, but it wasn't fun to have the mud back for Justice's paws, lol. We got a new dusting of snow yesterday evening (with some ice too - yuck). But at least we were back inside the house by then (at least Brenna and I were - Dustin went out for a long run in it).
We enjoyed our town ice festival yesterday with some great friends. After the ice festival, we took Brenna to see Gnomeo and Juliet. She really enjoyed the movie, but I think she was starting not to feel the best. By bedtime, she had a fever running and had a tough time sleeping last night :-( Lets hope she feels better soon! We are going to take it easy here today with a movie marathon I think!
Take Care!