Saturday, May 26, 2012

Saturday, May 26

Hello all!!!

Hope all is well out there!   Things have been so busy here with Brenna's dance recital (and our work schedules).  Here are a couple quick pics I snapped of Brenna in her make-up and dance recital outfits.  We purchased the bun sponge from Amazon for her hair - what a wonderful device!  It did a great job in her hair (and in my short hair) - I would highly recommend to anyone who wants a beautiful bun.  I'm still not looking forward to doing her hair for the recital with all her costume changes on Saturday (she has four), but hopefully, it will look just as nice then as it does in these pictures.  Brenna has been busy playing in her splash pool on these hot days and performing some cartwheels (she is getting really good with these).  We got some much needed rain her last night - the weather has been so hot and dry (and we are looking at a very hot weekend).  Dustin is doing his first triathalon this morning - hopefully that will go very well. 
Brenna's preschool is moving buildings in a week - I think Brenna is excited about the move.  But before they move, Brenna has preschool graduation on Wednesday - she mentioned that she may even get a graduation hat :-)
Well, that is about all for now.
Take Care!

Friday, May 18, 2012

Friday, May 18

Frankie has been a very good photo subject this week....

Things have been very busy here with getting prepared for Brenna's dance recital in June (by the way - they sold out the Saturday afternoon performance - if anyone would like to go, they added a evening performance on Saturday as well).  Tomorrow is her pictures for her classes - it will also be the first time she lets me see her in the ballet costume - wish me luck in styling her hair in the morning.  Hopefully she will let me take at least one picture here in her costume, but she hasn't been very cooperative with me lately.  Our bathroom projects are almost done with the painting (other than some touchups), and then just to wait for the new flooring to go in.  (Not sure if I mentioned anything about our house projects, but we have finally decided to replace the vinyl flooring in the house with ceramic tile - this also led to the replacement of the sink in Brenna's bathroom and the main floor bathroom). 

Other than that, work is still keeping both Dustin and I very busy, but Brenna and I have tried to enjoy our nice May weather with some afternoons at the local park.

Well, hope you enjoy these new pictures!
Take Care!

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Wednesday, May 2

Hello All!!

Hope all is well out there - Here are a few new pictures of our "kids" and Brenna. 
Brenna had exciting news this week as she counted to 100 by herself at preschool.  Also, tickets for her dance recital are now on sale - let my know if you are interested - the dates are Friday, June 8th and Saturday, June 9th (I am going to buy them tomorrow night at her dance class).  Most of her dances will be on Saturday (she will only be performing her company number and the finale on Friday night, but on Saturday she will do her ballet class, tumbling class, company number, and the finale - boy will she be tired by the end!).  I am hopeful that she will let me see her in the costume before her pictures this month, but currently she said I would have to wait since I missed her trying it on last night at dance class....Guess I better go tomorrow night to see if she gets her tumbling costume and find out how her hair will need to be done for the recital.
Well, that is all for now!
Take Care!

 Can you see that one cat has the other in a headlock here (below)? 
 so sweet...
 aw, bright eyes..