I had to try several of the techniques that I learned from my photo class at http://www.ppsop.com/ - for anyone looking to learn about different techniques, their classes are really good. I also really like the books by the site founder, Bryan Peterson. I did the one on the bottom like that on purpose. Hopefully, others will like the effect - I think it is pretty cool.
We did some shopping close to home this morning and have had a pretty quite day. It is amazing how quickly a day can fly by... We are starting our DVD collection over here - that way we can watch Disney (or other American movies) in German or English (they come with the option to watch in either). We bought Mary Poppins today which was one that I wanted before we left the States, but hadn't got yet. I also bought a German cookbook with all variety of recipes. I'm hoping to make at least one cookie one when I am back in the States at Christmas - they are really good (I bought a sample bag :-)
The peanut butter cake is completely gone today - even the piece I had "hidden" from Dustin (which he still ended up eating today ;-). Brenna has went potty on the toilet three times today - I am extremely impressed with her :-) She isn't going consistently on it yet, but we'll get there... Just as I was finishing this posting - Brenna was being so silly - I had to get it on camera. She was using the chair as her microphone and I'm not sure what else - I thought it was very silly.
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