Posted by DA&B at 7:41 AM 2 comments | Permalink
Labels: Brenna Pic, Family travel, Germany
Posted by DA&B at 11:26 AM 1 comments | Permalink
Labels: Germany
Hello All!
Well - we had another cleaning day here at the apartment - it is not easy keeping up with a toddler and a hairy monster (I mean dog). When people tell you that a Golden Retriever has a lot of hair (and I do mean alot - believe it!!) I fully believe after almost 5 years with him, that I should be used to all that hair, but man I think he has more over here...We couldn't ask for a better family dog though - he is the best companion for Brenna - she loves him to death...
I went and made a wreath tonight with several of the transplants here in Germany - I didn't do a great job socializing - but when do I ever. One of these days, I will learn how to mingle better - just not sure when... The wreaths that everyone made turned out really pretty - I made the least decorated one, but they are still pretty. My hands still smell like Evergreen though!!
I think I figured out my video stuff - so that will be great for Brenna and me on the plane - I can't believe it is only a little over a week away :-)
Sorry - no pictures again today...
Take Care!
Posted by DA&B at 12:32 PM 1 comments | Permalink
Labels: Germany
Hello All!!
Not to much to report on today - just spent some time cleaning (much needed - I'm not a very good housewife on cleaning duties - that is for sure), had German class, and spent time trying to get some videos downloaded for the upcoming trip (which the downloads were not successful yet - grrrr...)
The leftovers keep calling my name - I wish I had some will power - hopefully, things will get back to normal food wise after the holidays. I'm curious to see how Dustin does here all by himself ;-)
Sorry, no pictures and not a lot of thoughts about today - I think I need to get more sleep ;-)
Take Care!
Posted by DA&B at 12:17 PM 0 comments | Permalink
Labels: Germany
Posted by DA&B at 11:37 AM 1 comments | Permalink
Labels: Brenna Pic
Posted by DA&B at 10:30 AM 0 comments | Permalink
Labels: Brenna Pic, Germany
Posted by DA&B at 11:49 AM 0 comments | Permalink
Labels: Brenna Pic, family pic
Hello All!
Well, there is something to be said about snow in the Black Forest - I woke up this morning to find our little village looking like a Christmas post card!!! I'm waiting for Brenna to wake up this morning - I can't wait to see her excitement :-) It almost feels like Christmas morning with how pretty it is, plus all the baking and cooking I did yesterday :-)
I know I always go overboard on making stuff and our friends probably will be overwhelmed by how much stuff I bring, but I just get carried away and my stomach really starts taking over ;-)
I ended up making the following (mind you that there are only going to be like 10 people there today...): homemade banana pudding, yeast rolls, cinnamon cream cheese bars, no bake cookies, and buckeyes. For the last two - the peanut butter was really talking to me... Mmmm-peanut butter and chocolate :-) Anyway, I love a Thanksgiving or Christmas with a ton of food - that does say the holidays to me (no matter how much Weight watchers tries to say - family and visiting - sorry!!)
Well, I will try to get a picture or video up today or tomorrow. No travel pictures from this weekend as we aren't going to be going far ;-) We are definetly looking forward to the Christmas markets opening up next weekend.
Take Care!
Posted by DA&B at 11:10 PM 1 comments | Permalink
Labels: Germany
Oh my, another missed day of posting yesterday... No reason - just not much to post (and I still haven't got my camera out - can you believe that!!!). Brenna and I had a playdate yesterday afternoon - the weather was rainy, but we braved it :-) She was still tired from her nap - I'm sure we will try to go another time. She has been taking some long naps lately...
We got home the same time as Dustin, which was lucky because than I could just run Justice out to go to the bathroom in the rain (it is a bit challenging taking them both out every afternoon, especially when the weather stinks). Dustin was nice enough to run me to weight watchers so I could stock up on their snack bars over here - they are all really good (o.k., so they are good in the States too, but it is way easier there to find 100 calorie packs!!!).
Today will be a busy baking day - we are going to celebrate Thanksgiving tomorrow with some American friends :-)
Take care!!
Posted by DA&B at 10:33 PM 0 comments | Permalink
Labels: Germany
Posted by DA&B at 12:19 PM 0 comments | Permalink
Labels: Justice
Hello All!!
Sorry there wasn't a post yesterday - I wasn't feeling well!! Luckily, Brenna was a trooper and really helped me out by taking a long nap with mommy yesterday afternoon!!
I am pretty much back to myself today (note to self - don't eat so much junk next weekend - I'm pretty sure that is what did me in ;-). Brenna and I are dancing around the apartment again and for our commenter yesterday - we made some very chocolate pudding on the stove today (boy do I miss the easy instant pudding mixes!!). Anyway, I do think it is good for us to learn how to make these recipes from scratch and they are a good time killer with a two year old at home. Although she was quite disappointed that her apron was in the laundry today...
We also decided to buy Wall-E on itunes so that we could watch it over here (it doesn't come out over here until January) and bought some "dancing songs" while we were on as well (Brenna loves Wooly Bully and The Chapel of Love :-)
Hope everyone is doing well and I will see about getting the camera out later today :-)
Take Care!
Posted by DA&B at 6:40 AM 1 comments | Permalink
Labels: Germany
Posted by DA&B at 12:54 PM 1 comments | Permalink
Labels: Brenna Pic, Family travel, Germany
Posted by DA&B at 1:12 PM 0 comments | Permalink
Labels: Brenna Pic, family pic, Family travel, Germany
Posted by DA&B at 4:59 AM 1 comments | Permalink
Labels: Brenna Pic, Germany
Hello All!!
Well - we didn't get everything done on our list today, but we did get a lot done :-) Brenna and I had German class this morning and then we went to the sale at the Haus de Gastes. The sale was only for toys/books/CDs/DVDs - but we still picked up some good stuff. I got a new CD that I know that Brenna will enjoy dancing to (in German) and small cooking (metal pots) pots/pans for Brenna (boy, are they loud!!). We had a quiet afternoon and Dustin actually was able to get off work early to join us for the lantern walk (wow, was it cold outside - my hands were numb when we got home!!). It was cute to see the lanterns all lit-up, but of course, I forgot my camera today... Oh, well - Brenna wasn't really in a smiling mood for the walk anyway - just kind of straight faced...
We didn't make it to the grocery store or to the weight watcher meeting (to pick up some snacks) - I guess I will just have to see what I can make here with what is available :-)
Dustin is off to England tonight :-( At least he comes home tomorrow and we will be able to spend the weekend together. Not sure yet what we are going to do. We talked about seeing more castles (which I think would be fun), but I haven't checked the weather forcast yet to see if it will pleasant for that.
Anyway - I'm going to try to turn in early tonight. Sorry - no new pictures today - I'm sure we will have some after the weekend (if not tomorrow :-)
Take Care!!
Posted by DA&B at 12:34 PM 0 comments | Permalink
Labels: Germany
Posted by DA&B at 12:12 PM 1 comments | Permalink
Labels: Brenna Pic, Germany
Posted by DA&B at 11:41 AM 1 comments | Permalink
Labels: Brenna Pic, Germany
Posted by DA&B at 12:11 PM 1 comments | Permalink
Labels: Germany
Posted by DA&B at 12:49 PM 1 comments | Permalink
Labels: Germany
Posted by DA&B at 1:41 PM 0 comments | Permalink
Labels: Brenna Pic, Family travel, Germany