Well- it was a cold and rainy day here - all our pretty snow is gone in town. Brenna and I downloaded some new Handy Manny and Johnny and the Sprite episodes on itunes today - it was good to watch some new episodes :-) I also put Brenna in her cute new shirt from France today - I love the color - wish I could have found something as nice in my size :-)
Brenna was very interested in her books today - I think we read a quarter of her large library
She obviously adores her baby dolls (see picture today) and took one our walk with the dog :-) I was happy that the baby didn't hit the ground the whole time :-)
Not too much else to report - I did manage to study a little of my German today - although my attention span didn't last as long as I would like...
Hope everyone is well - Take Care!
Don't let the weather get you down. How awesome to have so much time to read and spend with your little darling! I LOVE the color of her new French shirt. It looks adorable on her. Is she ditching the black puppy for her babies now? Oh how she is growing up! Miss you!
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