Hello All!!
Hope everyone is doing well out there :-) My cold is finally on the way out the door (thank goodness!!) - and everyone here seems to be doing well. We have went to all of our Christmas parties now, and I think we will have room in the luggage for everything to go back to Germany - thank goodness gifts were small :-) (although Brenna's kitchen can't come back with us...)
I think our best gift this year was just getting to see and spend a good amount of time with everyone :-) It was really great to be back for a month during this busy time of year. I can't believe how quickly January is approaching...
I will be posting our pictures after we get back - I think I got some pretty good ones :-) I think I'm going to have to invest in a digital picture frame for Brenna sometime in the near future so that she can enjoy all these pictures of family...
Well, that is all for now. Take Care!!
Monday, December 29, 2008
Monday, December 29
Posted by DA&B at 6:14 PM 0 comments | Permalink
Labels: Family travel
Thursday, December 25, 2008
Merry Christmas December 25
Merry Christmas to anyone who may be following our blog!!
Brenna has had a great holiday so far - great gifts - I think they have all been perfect for her so far!! No pictures up yet (although I do have some great Christmas ones). Hopefully, we will be able to share those soon.
Anyway - just wanted to say have a safe and happy Christmas where ever you may be today!!
Take Care!
Posted by DA&B at 12:05 PM 1 comments | Permalink
Labels: Family travel
Sunday, December 21, 2008
Sunday, December 21
Hello All!!!
Well, the words of the last few days were delays, detours, and cancellations, but luckily Dustin made it to his parents late last night. The weather caused him horrible trouble flying into Detroit - both his possible flights on Friday were cancelled due to the weather. He had a detour in Bangor, Maine where they didn't let them off the plane at all before getting to NY and JFK airport. Once at JFK - he stood in line for hours only to find out that he was stuck in NY overnight (unless as an exhausted passenger he wanted to drive back - I didn't think much of that idea). So, after an overnight in NY - he stood in more lines for stand-by to Columbus. Boo to Delta for all the trouble and lack of help they provided to him. He said yesterday that he never encountered so many rude Delta employees who were not helpful. The roads driving home last night were covered in ice - which made for an interesting drive. I certaintly looked like a grandma behind the wheel as I had it gripped very tightly (and I felt like I was in the windshield the whole time in Dustin's truck). Dustin's luggage is lost currently - no clue when it will finally show up :-(
But, on more positive notes - he is here safely and Brenna is enjoying her time with him immensely (as well as with her Gammy and Papa Carpenter). She got to open her presents from them this morning - they picked the best gifts for her. The kitchen set is bound to keep her busy all day today :-) I will try to get pictures posted soon - it will be the best toy for her (too bad it can't come to Germany :-(
Well, that is all for now - Take Care!
Posted by DA&B at 7:22 AM 0 comments | Permalink
Labels: Family travel
Sunday, December 14, 2008
Sunday, December 14
Hello All!
I feel the need to keep posting when I can for any "loyal" blog followers :-) Brenna and I are doing well in the States and made it over to Dustin's parents this weekend. They have spoiled both of us rotten - I'm not sure how we will adjust to our first month back in Germany after all this Grandparenting :-)
Brenna is enjoying the attention immensely - she didn't have a great nap today as we were out shopping - but she is still behaving pretty well :-) I'm sure after all of our shopping and Christmas that we will have some very full suitcases to take back home :-) I'm glad that Dustin will be there for that trip...
Hopefully, I will get some pictures posted around Christmas - but none for now. I'm going to have to give Dustin a hard time that we aren't getting any pictures from him in Germany :-)
Well, take care!
Posted by DA&B at 4:28 PM 0 comments | Permalink
Labels: Family travel
Friday, December 12, 2008
Friday, December 12
Hello All!
Not sure if anyone is following this while Brenna and I are back in the U.S., but thought I would give you a quick update on our travels. Brenna was a trouper on the plane with me - she stayed awake for the majority of the trip - only napped for 20 minutes or so of the 9+ hour flight - but we managed to stay pretty entertained with switching activities. She has adjusted pretty well to the time difference - but we are waking up way earlier than in Germany (usually before 6 am - when there we didn't wake until around 8). Brenna has had a chance to see some of her cousins and play with them and do a little shopping here in the U.S.
We are at my parents and will get to go see Dustin's parents tomorrow - all this change has been great for Brenna as she hasn't missed Daddy or Justice too much (but she is still missing them ;-)
Well, that is all for now!
Take Care!
Posted by DA&B at 4:41 AM 2 comments | Permalink
Labels: Family travel
Sunday, December 7, 2008
Sunday, December 7

Posted by DA&B at 11:46 AM 0 comments | Permalink
Labels: Germany
Friday, December 5, 2008
Friday, December 5

Posted by DA&B at 11:11 AM 0 comments | Permalink
Labels: Brenna Pic, Germany
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
Wednesday, December 3

Posted by DA&B at 12:40 PM 1 comments | Permalink
Labels: Germany
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Tuesday, December 2
Hello All!!
I can't believe how quick this week is going to go by - Dustin left for England tonight - so Brenna and I are on our own tomorrow. We had German class this morning and baked a loaf of bread - it is so yummy to have fresh bread, but bad for my diet (although not any worse than the homemade mound bars in the freezer which are finally gone today :-)
I couldn't convince Brenna to get her pj top off today - we'll face that battle tomorrow... We took a very short walk with Justice and bummed around inside the rest of the day. I'm getting the apartment set up for Dustin when I am gone - washing the sheets, towels, and all the clothes - all that he will need to do is keep it picked up after him. I will be interested to see how much he is even home when we are gone :-)
Anyway, tomorrow we will be busy packing, going to kinder group, and getting the apartment in order...
Hope all is well with everyone!
Take Care!
Posted by DA&B at 12:26 PM 1 comments | Permalink
Labels: Germany
Monday, December 1, 2008
Monday, December 1
Hello All!!
I can't believe that we are into December already (didn't I say that about October and November too?!?). The weather here is really cold, but Brenna, Justice, and I did make it out for a longer walk today. We are working on getting used to living in town - although just when I think I am getting used to the hills and our apartment, Brenna and I will be going back to the US on Saturday :-) It will be really nice to spend some quality time with our families, but I will probably have to get back in shape again when we come back!! (maybe I should take up running or something when we are home...)
I still haven't got a picture of the wreath I made - maybe tomorrow - although I'm sure it will be a busy day with German class, doing some last minute shopping, starting to pack, and Dustin flying out to England... At least Brenna and I won't have to deal with that until we come back in January.
I'll be making some homemade bread tomorrow :-) Although it is not really necessary to bake much in Germany, Brenna and I do have fun in the kitchen. I'm hoping when I am at my mom's maybe I can get some matching aprons made for Brenna and me...we'll see :-)
Well, I should get ready for bed - Take Care!!
Posted by DA&B at 12:41 PM 0 comments | Permalink
Labels: Germany