Hello All!!
Well, I'm glad that this is the last trip for Dustin before I leave - it is a challenge to manage the dog and Brenna when he is gone! Today was another rainy day, but at least Brenna and I made it out to kinder group. The kids got a chance to play with puppets and stuffed animals - Brenna loved that someone also brought a toy doctor set - she played doctor on all the animals and on mommy too!!
Tomorrow morning will be my last German class for a month - it will be weird not to have that and hear the language for a month. I really hope that I do study when I am in the U.S. though as my language skills are not so hot right now.
For my sister, here are some pictures of my wreath - it really isn't too impressive (sorry!). Not too much to say on my pictures either - it is late and I am tired! The stars are the hanger if you can't tell...
Brenna and I will also get to pack tomorrow - I've made a list so hopefully, I won't forget too much. At least the stores in the U.S. are open 24 hours and on Sundays if we forget anything!
Well, I need to get some sleep!
Take Care!
though simple, the wreath is beautiful! You should be proud that you are from such a crafty and artsy family! I'm sure if you forget something, we can definitely get it here, so don't worry! Looking forward to Sat!
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