Hello All!!
Well, Brenna and I are slowly adjusting to our new time zone still. We are waking up earlier every day, but still having trouble sleeping at night. Hopefully, in the next month, we will be back on schedule. We got our new aprons out today and did some pretzel cooking (thanks to my sister's recipe!) - Brenna really enjoyed it (hopefully you will see from today's pictures - gotta love the flour on the cheek). We made a lobster (two actually), snakes, an elephant, a bear, and a turtle.
Dustin is out of town until tomorrow night - hopefully, we will find some good activities to keep us busy. Not sure if we will make it to play group tomorrow with our sleep schedule - we will see.
Well, I better figure out supper! Hope you enjoy her microphone picture from yesterday!
Take Care!
Glad to hear the recipe made it and you are putting it to good use! Mikayla is at home today (Wednesday) with Chad, she's been running a fever at night, so not sure what is going on there. Perhaps you guys could Skype to pass some time! Anyway, looks like Brenna has so much fun cooking! I love that about these little girls and I think her apron with the rickrack is really cute! It's very cold over here this week, do you still have snow? Miss you lots,
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