Hello All!!
Hope all is well out there. Happy belated birthday to my sister-in-law Karen today - sorry we missed posting yesterday (or emailing, or calling...). I don't know how I missed it as I have been watching the calendar all week and new that it was coming...
Brenna and I had a quiet day today - we tapped dance, played indoor shopping, watched Elmo's potty time (it seemed to inspire her today :-), watched Cinderella, and just played around the house. Dustin and I couldn't believe after her bath today that she counted up to 13 in English and then up to 9 in German (in the right order in both) - I wish she was as interested in her colors and letters as she is in the numbers. She is doing pretty good on her alphabet too - although if she is singing by herself she doesn't usually go past G.
We are off to Heidelberg tomorrow, so hopefully we will have some new pictures to post then :-)
Take Care!
Friday, February 27, 2009
Friday, February 27
Posted by DA&B at 12:49 PM 0 comments | Permalink
Labels: Germany
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Wednesday, February 25
Hello All!!!
Can you believe that our stay in Germany has been almost 6 months already??? Time has sure flown by already and we still have lots of hopes on our list of seeing and doing. I'm thoroughly enjoying my time with Brenna although some days it doesn't seem like we accomplish much... We went to kinder group today - Brenna really enjoyed the kitchen set as usual. There were a couple of the girls there closer to her age and she really enjoyed that.
Dustin was back to work today (of course the first day of sun in a while...but it is supposed to be nicer this week and warmer). As my jeans are all fitting snug these days - we may not be baking as much right now...I am really trying to cut back on my sweets. Brenna's new stash of candy has been tempting, but so far I've resisted :-) It is nice to have some time to get out in the fresh air and sunshine today - hopefully, we will get some nice walks tomorrow and Friday.
Dustin is off to volleyball tonight - so just us girls... Don't worry, we didn't party too hard in his absence, lol :-)
Well, that is all I can think of for today!
Take Care!
Posted by DA&B at 11:30 AM 1 comments | Permalink
Labels: Germany
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Tuesday, February 24
Hello All!!
Hope everyone is doing well out there. Things were quiet here today. We ended up staying home today and plan to go to Heidelberg on Saturday - they are forcasting sun and warmer weather - I really hope so. It is amazing how quickly they got all the streets and sidewalks clean - only a small amount of confetti remains - but it is funny to see on all the side streets away from the main parade :-)
Brenna took only a short nap when Dustin and her went out to the store. I believe she may be transitioning from her normal napping...
We are planning on going to kinder group in the morning...Other than that, not too much going on today.
Well, take care!
Posted by DA&B at 2:41 PM 0 comments | Permalink
Labels: Germany
Monday, February 23, 2009
Monday, February 23

Posted by DA&B at 10:59 AM 1 comments | Permalink
Labels: Brenna Pic, family pic, Germany
Saturday, February 21, 2009
Saturday, February 21

Posted by DA&B at 12:11 PM 1 comments | Permalink
Labels: Brenna Pic, Family travel, Germany
Friday, February 20, 2009
Friday, February 20

Posted by DA&B at 11:56 AM 0 comments | Permalink
Labels: Family travel, Germany
Thursday, February 19, 2009
Thursday, February 19
Hello All!!
Hope everyone is doing great out there! Brenna and I had an on again, off again, on again day...hmm, what does that mean??? Well, she was her normal self, then a normal 2 year old, then her normal self, and then a 2 year old....We are so spoiled most of the time with her great behavior, that the tantrums certainly surprise and tire me... Even the German teacher we have has commented how well she does most days. Perhaps we have both spent too much time indoors lately with only each other for company, maybe the winter blahs, or maybe just one of those days???
Anyway, we had German class this morning, followed by watching some of Chitty, Chitty, Bang, Bang (which I have never seen before), playing in Brenna's room, making edible cookie dough (eggless), Brenna's nap, playing with our new tap shoes (THANK YOU to M.E. for my great pair), finding instructions on how to use our new tap shoes (this could be one of my new favorite websites - www.unitedtaps.com we'll see how Brenna and I do first - but so far the one video we have watched has been fun to try out), playing doctor with all of Brenna's stuffed animals, dinner (poor Dustin didn't make it home in time to join us :-( , and the grocery store...Sounds like we actually got a lot accomplished today??!!
We are going to France in the morning - we plan on looking around in town in the morning and then going to the great grocery store - Cora! That place is a super-super market - and I love that the French have a better selection of food :-)
Well, that is all I have for today - have a great evening (and weekend) - Dustin is off work tomorrow for Luk shutdown (he is off until Wednesday :-) - so we are planning several day trips in the area)...
Take Care!
Posted by DA&B at 12:14 PM 0 comments | Permalink
Labels: Germany
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Wednesday, February 18

Posted by DA&B at 11:30 PM 0 comments | Permalink
Labels: Brenna Pic
Monday, February 16, 2009
Monday, February 16
Hello All!!
Hope all is well out there :-)
Brenna and I had a quiet day again here - German class this morning, playing kitchen and blocks, and baking a new recipe for hamburger buns :-) Brenna also did really well on the potty today - she has pretty much gotten the idea of pooping on the potty/now just to get the peeing going... My new recipe for hamburger buns was a winner :-) Dustin voted them much better than the last and worthwhile to make again! Now, just to see how they store for a day or two.
I can't believe that I am making my own hamburger buns - certainly not something a year ago that I would have had the time or inclination for :-)
Dustin flew off to England tonight, at least he will be back tomorrow. He has Friday, Monday, and Tuesday off - so I will need to get the cameras cleaned off for new pictures :-)
Well, that is all for tonight. Brenna had no nap today, but was in a good mood all day so that was good.
Take Care!
Posted by DA&B at 1:11 PM 1 comments | Permalink
Labels: Germany
Sunday, February 15, 2009
Sunday, February 15

Posted by DA&B at 10:52 AM 1 comments | Permalink
Labels: Brenna Pic
Saturday, February 14, 2009
Saturday, February 14

Posted by DA&B at 3:42 AM 0 comments | Permalink
Labels: Brenna Pic, Germany
Thursday, February 12, 2009
Thursday, February 12

Posted by DA&B at 10:24 AM 1 comments | Permalink
Labels: Germany
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Tuesday, February 10

Posted by DA&B at 1:15 PM 0 comments | Permalink
Labels: Brenna Pic, Germany
Monday, February 9, 2009
Monday, February 9

Posted by DA&B at 11:25 AM 1 comments | Permalink
Labels: Brenna Pic, Germany
Sunday, February 8, 2009
Sunday, February 8
Hello All!!
Not to much going on here - just enjoying everyone in the family being home again :-)
Happy belated birthday to Aunt Margee - hope you know that we thought of you all week (even if I didn't get your bithday post up on Friday!)
We've been trying a few more new recipes - I found a pretty decent blend of spices for french fries in the oven and we had a new recipe for chicken fingers yesterday. Brenna really enjoyed both.
Brenna is making progress on the potty - the worst times for her are after nap and after getting up in the morning - it is tough to get her going!
Well, that is all I can think of for now. I may try another recipe today that I have been dying to try - angel food cake in a 13 x 9 inch pan :-)
Take Care!
Posted by DA&B at 1:00 AM 0 comments | Permalink
Labels: Germany
Thursday, February 5, 2009
Thursday, February 5

Posted by DA&B at 11:44 AM 1 comments | Permalink
Labels: Brenna Pic
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
Wednesday, February 4

Posted by DA&B at 12:46 PM 0 comments | Permalink
Labels: Brenna Pic, Germany, Justice
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
Tuesday, February 3

Posted by DA&B at 11:43 AM 1 comments | Permalink
Labels: Brenna Pic, Germany
Sunday, February 1, 2009
Sunday, February 1
Hello All!!
Hope everyone out there is doing well. We had a nice weekend and were able to get together with some friends over here.
My eyes are really tired today - so not much writing is going to go on today. I tried another chocolate cake recipe today - it came out o.k. - the center wasn't as done as I would have liked, but the outside was done. I'm sure I need to play with the oven temperature if I make that cake again. But, our friends today enjoyed it, so that was nice to share.
Well, I will put more up tomorrow (maybe - Dustin is off to Turkey for the week and it will just be Brenna, Justice, and me)!
Take Care!
Posted by DA&B at 1:08 PM 1 comments | Permalink
Labels: Germany