Hello All!!
It doesn't really feel like Saturday since Dustin was home yesterday, but it is nice to look forward to several days in a row with him home :-)
We went to Freiburg today (about an hour south) - we only went to the area around their main old church. There was a nice farmer's market going on around the outside. Brenna was really funny at lunch time as she just had to have a carrot to eat :-) She ate about half of it which was pretty good for her - and she ate all of her wurst, lol :-)
We took a driving tour after that through the Black Forest south of us. It amazes me how big the Black Forest is! It feels so small sometimes living where we do :-)
Brenna didn't nap today so she has crashed early. We are just planning a day around home tomorrow - hopefully, get cleaning and such done :-)
Well, hope you enjoy our pictures from today - take care! (I loved the stone work around the outside of the church in Freiburg - hopefully you enjoy our foot shot!)
Okay, I guess when I take time off I forget to comment. I am so jealous of all the beautiful places you all have seen. The fact that you are so close to so many of these things is just another thing to be jealous of. I love the Baccarat necklaces, come on Dustin, listen to your mom! The picture of your feet is cool and the brickwork is beautiful. Hope you all enjoy your day travels while Dustin is off work. Can't wait to hear more about Carnival!
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