Posted by DA&B at 4:27 AM 1 comments | Permalink
Labels: Brenna Pic
Posted by DA&B at 10:50 PM 1 comments | Permalink
Posted by DA&B at 10:18 PM 1 comments | Permalink
Labels: Brenna Pic, Germany
Posted by DA&B at 11:05 PM 1 comments | Permalink
Labels: Brenna Pic, Germany
Hello All!!
Sorry I have been MIA these last few days. Dustin left for Australia on Monday (yuck - a 22 hour flight), so Brenna and I are on our own until Sunday.
Brenna loves the nice days here as it gives a chance to go to the park. She is no longer afraid of the slide and loves going up and down it. She also loves going around to go up and saying "One more time" (although she doesn't really mean one more time...). Hopefully, we can get a picture of her on the slide sometime - the joy on her face is great!
Brenna is in love with her "girly" shoes right now. She even slept in her shoes last night - she was very excited to see them on again this morning!!! Dustin has rubbed off his movie tastes on Brenna and her favorite movie right now is The Santa Claus (any of the 3).
Well, we are off to bath time this morning. Not sure if we are going to go out in the rain today or not - I'm sure Brenna would really enjoy kinder group though...
Take Care!
Posted by DA&B at 12:36 AM 0 comments | Permalink
Labels: Germany
Hello All!!
Hope everyone out there is doing well! Things were quiet here today - just working on getting the apartment cleaned up, enjoying the spring weather and running errands (before Dustin leaves for Australia). Brenna and I made it to the playground this morning (poor Justice didn't get to go as it started as a trip to the store...) - she loved going down the slide and on the merry-go-round (she calls it her truck because there is a big "steering wheel" in the middle that you can use like in the teacups to spin it). She couldn't wait to wear her new coat today - looked pretty silly on the sunny day with her rain coat and rain boots - but she has her own sense of fashion. Brenna is getting great use of her horse rain boots - they are her current favorite footwear! Brenna enjoyed our shopping outings, but didn't take a nap today - so she wasn't as well behaved as we would have liked this evening (as I'm sure all parents understand, lol). I found her a German vtech "laptop" computer - she loves it and I think it will be good for her and I on her German. Also found a book that will read the whole story aloud (the Lion King) - also good for our German :-)
No picture of our C word today - I think I will wait until I can get one with Brenna and her "laptop" - C is for der Computer in German, lol!!
The weather is supposed to turn to rain after tomorrow - of course since Dustin will be gone all week and we are on our own (not good to be stuck in the apartment too much either)...Hopefully it won't rain the entire time he is gone!
Well, that is it for today! Take Care!
Posted by DA&B at 1:35 PM 1 comments | Permalink
Labels: Germany
Posted by DA&B at 1:21 PM 0 comments | Permalink
Labels: Brenna Pic, Germany
Posted by DA&B at 12:42 PM 1 comments | Permalink
Labels: Brenna Pic, family pic
Posted by DA&B at 1:27 PM 0 comments | Permalink
Posted by DA&B at 1:38 PM 1 comments | Permalink
Posted by DA&B at 2:23 PM 1 comments | Permalink
Labels: Brenna Pic, Germany
Hello All!!
Hope everyone out there didn't feel like we abandoned you - we didn't just tied up with other things the last couple days. The weather has been fairly nice - so we have been out and about with some walks. Hopefully, we can even air out the apartment this weekend :-)
I've been busy trying to catch up on studying my German (is it ever possible to catch up on the language - I don't think I will ever get any of these der, die, and das down). I understand more with reading and listening, but talking is still very much a challenge... We will continue to plod on. I hope to make it to the library tomorrow or Saturday for some new material.
Brenna seems like she has had some set backs on the potty - we will have to continue to work on that one...Hopefully, we will get over that hurdle soon!
Well, that is it for today - I'm bushed!
Take Care!
Posted by DA&B at 3:02 PM 0 comments | Permalink
Labels: Germany
Posted by DA&B at 2:05 PM 1 comments | Permalink
Labels: Brenna Pic, family pic, Germany
Posted by DA&B at 12:43 PM 1 comments | Permalink
Labels: Brenna Pic, Germany
Hello All!!
Hope everyone is doing well out there. I had a busy day in the kitchen today - I made hamburger buns, angel food cake, and taco salad (how did these three things take me all day I wonder in retrospect...). We had friends over so it was really nice to share a meal. (Although - I wish I had more freezer space for the leftovers - and we forgot to get out the ice cream...).
Anyway, Brenna had lots of fun playing with the kids - hopefully, she will sleep well tonight.
Well, that is it for today! Take Care!
Posted by DA&B at 12:50 PM 0 comments | Permalink
Labels: Germany
Posted by DA&B at 10:56 AM 0 comments | Permalink
Labels: Brenna Pic, family pic, Germany
Posted by DA&B at 9:34 AM 0 comments | Permalink
Labels: Brenna Pic, Germany
Hello All!!
Hope all is well out there. Not much going on today - Brenna and I went for a walk around the neighborhood, baked some bread (which I accidently added too much water too - oops), watched Chitty-Chitty Bang-Bang (I didn't even know that part of that was filmed at one of the castles we went too!), and hung around the house. We are really looking forward to spring time, lol.
I'm really tired today and Dustin has a cold - so we are all heading to bed early... Brenna continues to do well on the potty - I told her if she didn't have any accidents tomorrow, we would try underware the next day :-) I can't believe how fast my little girl is growing and of course "doing it myself".
Well, take care!
Posted by DA&B at 12:00 PM 0 comments | Permalink
Labels: Germany
Posted by DA&B at 12:43 PM 1 comments | Permalink
Labels: Brenna Pic, family pic, Family travel, Germany