Thursday, March 12, 2009

Thursday, March 12

Hello All!!

Hope everyone out there didn't feel like we abandoned you - we didn't just tied up with other things the last couple days. The weather has been fairly nice - so we have been out and about with some walks. Hopefully, we can even air out the apartment this weekend :-)

I've been busy trying to catch up on studying my German (is it ever possible to catch up on the language - I don't think I will ever get any of these der, die, and das down). I understand more with reading and listening, but talking is still very much a challenge... We will continue to plod on. I hope to make it to the library tomorrow or Saturday for some new material.

Brenna seems like she has had some set backs on the potty - we will have to continue to work on that one...Hopefully, we will get over that hurdle soon!

Well, that is it for today - I'm bushed!
Take Care!