My little princess - how cute is she!

Hope all is well out there. I can't believe how quickly my time keeps flying by - can you believe I started this blog over a year ago after we made our big decision to move to Germany???? For us at this point the time has flown by - case in point - Brenna's first day of Kindergarten is tomorrow (it is basically preschool). It will be so different here in the morning without her - much more quiet. I can't believe how fast my little princess (see pictures above, lol) is growing up!
Brenna and I started our day with a little cleaning after I finished my project from yesterday - ME - I hope you will like this apron - I think I'm going to have to make one for myself now - I really like the way it turned out (it is an Amy Butler pattern - I think it was a good purchase as I really like the two I have made so far)! I was going to wait to post that picture - but the apron may not make it back to the US until Christmas (but by then maybe I will have a matching apron made for Brenna - I would love to get a picture of that :-)
I was able to get some laundry done - I should have started earlier - I needed to hang some outside and it didn't get dry before I brought it back in. Brenna and I had a chance to play tea party after bath time today - she is such a good server. I really hope she plays well tomorrow - I couldn't imagine going to "school" in German every day.
Well - wish us luck for tomorrow (and every day of Brenna's school for the next year!). Take Care!
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