Our day in the snow :-) Below - our snow covered street (I haven't heard any snow plows since yesterday - I think they are only working on the main roads now). (Brenna is hiding behind one of the snow piles next to Dustin)

Our day in the snow :-) Below - our snow covered street (I haven't heard any snow plows since yesterday - I think they are only working on the main roads now). (Brenna is hiding behind one of the snow piles next to Dustin)
Posted by DA&B at 2:26 AM 3 comments | Permalink
Labels: Brenna Pic, family pic, Justice
So with all the snow outside, I decided to make some summery shirt inside. I think the shirt turned out pretty well (and should be very nice this summer if the days are hot :-) Brenna loved directing me for the pictures - she had me go in the kitchen for one picture and also had me put my purse on for a picture, lol. I had to include the picture below - when she saw it, she said "Mommy, I cut off your head" (she has been doing pretty well with the pictures, so I can understand why she was surprised, lol).
Posted by DA&B at 4:42 AM 2 comments | Permalink
Labels: Brenna's Pictures, Crafts
One of Brenna's pictures of me from this morning - I thought it was only fair to share one :-) She took some pretty good ones, but the apartment was showing up pretty dark in the first few. Anyway - the brown pants are the "4 year" pants that are finally done - I even wore them to walk to and from Kindergarten today :-) (Do you ever have those projects that once they are finished you say - hmm, that isn't the most flattering item in my wardrobe - this is one of those - sorry!).Brenna before school today (and before all of her layers for outdoors). It was in the 20s today (which is colder than the 30s we had been having). Hopefully, it will warm back up soon!
Posted by DA&B at 10:53 AM 1 comments | Permalink
Labels: Brenna Pic, Crafts, Germany
Hello All!!
Hope all is well out there! Things are good here - Dustin is busy at work and we are working on fully adjusting to Brenna's no napping schedule in the afternoon (how I miss naps already - not that my daughter isn't always fun to have around - but an hour of really my own time in the afternoon was really nice to have - I haven't done any indoor biking at all since coming back to Germany - going to have to figure out how to get the rest of my exercise in every day). So, on our walk home today, we tried out my new shopping bag at the grocery store (I love it - I will defintely need to make more - maybe as gifts this year? they are awesome!) (it was funny at school when I picked Brenna up with the bag in my hand - she had to show the bag off to her teachers - they were a little like "whatever" (but they were good sports for the sake of my excited child) - and they are getting to know that I make stuff - the one teacher even asked if it was something I made :-). After lunch, we used our store purchases to make chocolate peppermint cookies (Brenna isn't impressed with them, but Dustin and I sure love them). Brenna had fun during our baking lining up the spices and playing with them (not sure if they were her kids/friends/puppets - she kind of lost me with her story line - but loved that she made a stage out of my one container and put all of her "stones" on top). (The dough I made was not kid friendly at all - the only thing she really could help me with was breaking open the eggs - what a bummer!). (Guess I missed my picture taking opportunity there - it would have been fun to see all the stuff she had on the counter all lined up - and her outfit was cute too - a pink heart shirt and pink tights (no skirt, just the tights for here at home)).
Well, I better get my German homework done! The upcoming school activites sound fun at school - they are planning a disco for the kids, a face painting day (that should be neat to see what Brenna comes home looking like) and a costume party (all for the week before Carnival). I really need to take my camera up to school and take some pictures of the cool decorations in the building - it is so festive inside with streamers, balloons, and ribbons :-) (I think there are more decorations for Carnival then there were for Christmas!)
Oh, I almost forgot - if you want a great laugh (and insight into my clearance shopping tendancies) - check out the posting by the Meanest Mom today (one of the links in my favorite sites). If you need some inspiration today, check out the NieNie blog - she really inspires me to try to be a better mom, a better person, and a better Christian (she is recovering from a plane crash that left her burned over 80% of her body and trying to care for her 4 young children - her belief in God and her love of family inspires people from all over the world including me).
Take Care!
Posted by DA&B at 11:46 AM 2 comments | Permalink
Labels: Germany
Hello All!!!
Hope all is well out there! Things are good here - we had a slushy/snowy day (although I think most on the ground was mostly slush - the hills looked pretty with a layer of white). Brenna and I got a late start for school today as I forgot about the permission slip I needed to decide on and then sign (oh, yeah - and translate too - I'm not 100% sure what I agreed for Brenna to do yet, but I'm sure it will be fun, lol - I will have to find out from my German teacher this week on what exactly Dirty Thursday means for the kids before Carnival).
While Brenna was in school today - I worked on finishing a pair of pants that have been in process for about 4 years now (I lost track of when they were started, but I think it was after one of my operations) (I joked with my mom that instead of being an hour pattern or a 2 hour pattern, I had the 4 year pattern - it isn't the first project that has sat unfinished for a long while, but hopefully it will the first of many to get finished this month). I still need to hand sew the hook and eye on the top and then they should be all done :-)
Brenna and I did some painting today and watched some Sponge Bob too (followed by the dog going outside and a bath). Brenna voted for scrambled pancakes for supper (although what she really means is that she wants the sugar and sprinkles on top, lol). Dustin is sure to have a busy week this week with a customer coming to Germany - but hopefully, Brenna will get to see him some this week before she goes to bed. I am going to have to come up with some more fun indoor afternoon activities here soon - although tomorrow we are talking about baking something :-)
Well, that is it for today!
Take Care!
Posted by DA&B at 10:40 AM 2 comments | Permalink
My new shopping bag :-) Sorry you can't see the lining fabric very well in the pictures - it is the great fabric that my friend Joy gave me for Christmas - thanks so much again!! (Brenna below with her (my) curlers in her hair).
Posted by DA&B at 11:25 AM 2 comments | Permalink
Labels: Brenna Pic, Crafts
Brenna's new princess dress :-) The fabric has glittery sparkles over the whole fabric - hard to photograph well here, but you can see it in a few of the pictures. (This was pretty much all my own design too - I think it looks pretty good on her (although she could wear a sack and look adorable, lol)). Below - I bribed my child with eye shadow and lip gloss for a smile (this is good for me too as it uses up my blue eyeshadow that I am not ever going to wear and she loves it, lol).
Posted by DA&B at 11:44 AM 2 comments | Permalink
Labels: Brenna Pic, Justice
I thought the picture below was pretty precious (although I had to keep telling Brenna to take it easy on Justice - she was trying to squish him).Brenna loving her Justice :-)
Posted by DA&B at 4:09 AM 3 comments | Permalink
Labels: Brenna Pic, Justice, Pet pics