My new shopping bag :-) Sorry you can't see the lining fabric very well in the pictures - it is the great fabric that my friend Joy gave me for Christmas - thanks so much again!! (Brenna below with her (my) curlers in her hair).

Hope all is well out there. I can't believe what a negligent blogger I have been this week - just not up to typing I guess (sorry!). Brenna was a little more crabby than usual by the end of the week (although somewhat typical when Dustin has been traveling and it is just the two of us - oh, and the no nap thing - since our return to Germany, Brenna hasn't taken any naps (other than the 1st week back) - I think our afternoon nap days may be over - so sad that my little girl is growing up so quickly :-(
So, what did we do last week??? Hmmm - we did lots of art painting last week and did some cutouts too (Brenna is getting pretty good with scissors - if I draw a shape, she can cut it out pretty well - circles, squares, triangles, stars). Brenna loves getting the paint out and going to town with the brushes (it is insane how many paint brushes we set out -one for each color (so I usually get out all 12 brushes we have!).
I made a shopping bag last week (it is the same design as what a normal shopping bag is in the US - I used a Target bag as my pattern). It turned out awesome - I am so happy with it! I told my mom to remind me that if I have extra fabric left before we come back to the US to make more of these - they are a quick, fun project to do :-) Brenna modeled it for me today - don't you love her look with curlers today! I also have been working on finishing an alphabet project for Brenna - hopefully, I will get that done this week. I am contemplating a new bag pattern (I don't know why I am not doing the projects I already have decided - do any of you other crafters run into this "problem" - I have several projects lined up to do, but when it comes to what I want to work on today - it needs to be something new (and not one of the projects I have on my to-do list!)). So, I have spent too many hours this weekend looking for something different to do, and no project to show for my time and effort. Brenna did have lots of fun yesterday with a spool of thread - she wound it around all the furniture in the apartment and then jumped over it. She laughed and played with the thread for probably an hour (I probably did a really bad thing here - I would not normally let her unwind a spool of thread, but the thread wasn't working for sewing or embroidery, so I figured why not let her play with it - I know that when I get my normal thread out she is going to want to do the same thing - not going to happen and then I am going to be a mean mommy... oh, well - at least I was fun for a day!).
Brenna went with Dustin for his run today - she was so happy to go along and get all bundled up (although I think the hills may have been a "little" more challenging for Dustin with the extra baggage ;-)
Well, I think that covers most highlights! Take Care!
Are you sure the bag is yours- or Brenna's? She sure looks very happy being the model, curlers and all! The shopping bag looks excellent! They would make great gift bags? ya think?
great bag and the fabric is so cute! Can't wait to see more of these projects you keep talking about. Remember, start to finish, not start to middle to new project, then old project, etc. LOL! I think we've all inherited that gene from someone we know and love! At least you've gotten more accomplished than me! So, when will we see all of this artwork? I love to see what kids can do with paint and a brush! Take care!
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