Hello All!!
Hope all is well out there! Things are good here - the sun was even shining here this afternoon (with warmer temperatures :-) (although that was followed by a whole morning of rain - good thing Brenna likes splashing in so many puddles).
While Brenna was away at school today, I made a yoga bag for myself - it is such pretty fabric (from the Amy Butler Love line), I just want to look at it...(I know, there is something wrong with me, but I'm pretty sure I inherited it from my mom :-) (no offense mom - I don't mind my addiction to fabric :-) (sorry, no pictures yet - I will try to take one tomorrow). Brenna liked my new bag - she did get it out to show my parents today (she loves the huge strap on the bag too - she looks so cute when she is carrying her bag - wonder if I can get her to pose with both bags tomorrow??). (poor Dustin, now that I have the new bag, I want a new mat too, lol).
We had a TV afternoon (not sure why we weren't outside enjoying the sunny weather - I think I was too stunned by it - I just kept telling myself that at any moment it was going to start raining again, lol). After that, we took Justice out and rain him up and down the hill a few times (which was really funny - Brenna made it further and further up the hill each time - that is the opposite of what I would have expected). I think Brenna just really likes the downhill run (who can blame her) - it is so fun to see her face light up when we are out running with him. After taking the dog out, we had a bath and then I trimmed Brenna's bangs (wonder how they will look in the morning, she just kept moving her head all over the place...). I had thought we would do yoga after dinner, but I should have moved it to the afternoon as Brenna fell asleep at supper again today. As she was falling off to sleep, she was saying "yoga, yoga mama" to me... (she was dressed for yoga too!) (I will admit that I almost took a picture of her sleeping at the table with the food in front of her - I could tell she wasn't going to make it very long all through the meal, her eyes kept drooping and her head was nodding...)
A happy birthday wish goes out to my brother today (I don't think he reads the blog much - Karen can you pass along the wish to him if you read it, I knew that I should have called yesterday instead).
Well, I think that is about it!
Take Care!