The church by Brenna's kindergarten close up - maybe that will help people see the distance in yesterday's picture :-) We took some "covert (lol)" pictures in Brenna's kindergarten today. I let her take quiet a few pictures and then I added a few of my own. The events for next week!

Hope all is well out there! Things are good here (provided Dustin's stomach ache tonight doesn't mean that he is going to be sick later on)...
Not to much happened today - Brenna helped me take a few pictures of her Kindergarten today. Then, Brenna helped me cut out some of my fabric today (she loves to help pin) - hopefully I will have something sewed together by the end of the week (bummer - tomorrow I am going to have to vacuum when Brenna is at school). I need to get Brenna's costume cut and sewed together if she is going to wear it next week (not that she doesn't have plenty of costumes to chose from). I had to order some tulle for the pattern today as I didn't see that requirement when I was in the US - hopefully it will be here on Wednesday so that I can use it on Thursday and Friday. Brenna was a good helper with supper - she helped me make the hamburger patties and then did all the dishes while I was cooking the meat (o.k., she was playing in the suds - but it still cleaned the dishes too, lol).
Well, things are quiet now, so I am going to get ready for bed myself!
Take Care!
Brenna is going to have lots of backgrounds of talent to draw on, with all the helping she does. the posters are cool, wish I could translate! very nice pics today
Her picture angles are fun! Love to see the world from the little eyes! Thank goodness you have a helper over there! Keep up the good work on all your projects. Can't wait to see her costume! Miss you! Mom, I think the one sign said something towards Adult (Eltern) info-so maybe parent info? Wilkommen, I'm sure you know!
lol - the door by Brenna's room (with all the Smurfs) does say Eltern Info (which is information for parents) and Wilkommen (which is welcome). The pictures Brenna was standing by in the door were for the events next week - the costume party is Monday (Montag), face painting is Tuesday (Dienstag), and the mini disco is Wednesday (Mittwoch).
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