Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Tuesday, January 18

so, as for our exciting Sunday and Monday - on Sunday, we went to a concert by Justin Roberts and the Not Ready for Naptime Players. He is my FAVORITE kids singers - I love, love, love his songs :-) Brenna had a great time (and commented at the end that he was so handsome - she may have another new crush, lol). (Brenna got her new CD signed by Justin and the Not Ready for Naptime Players - Liam Davis and Gerald Dowd - she loves having autographs already :0)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RkgAKBljXfU - his Pop Fly video
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uxMZzCSJqjE - Brenna sparkling at the concert to the song
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vigHqg6FJw0 - another from the concert
On Monday, we went to see Disney Toy Story 3 on ice. Brenna loved it!

Brenna modeling her new army hat
Brenna was all smiles on the way home...

in other news, I finally learned how to french braid :-) I watched a couple tutorials online and gave it a shot in Brenna's hair - this was my first attempt (obviously I was pretty proud of myself, lol). Brenna was home with me all last week - between snow and colds, we just stayed in all week....

Hello All!!!

Hope all is well out there! Things are good here (or I hope anyway - Brenna came home early from preschool today with a stomach ache. She seems to be o.k. here so far - maybe the was just hungry and thirsty at school? guess it was a good thing that my sewing morning was cancelled - but I hope my friend is better very soon - Get Well and take care of yourself!!).
Last week Dustin was in Mexico and Brenna and I stayed in all week (we both had very minor colds - mine was only ever a sore throat). Brenna really missed Dustin every day (especially with just me for company!!!). We started a few new projects - hopefully, we will have some pictures to share of them soon - but right now I just have fabric that is cut out, lol.
On Sunday, we went to Cleveland for the Justin Roberts concert. Loved the music - his concert was great! I wish he would have had some more seating - the concrete floor left a lot to be desired!
On Monday, we went to see Toy Story 3 on ice. Brenna loved that too :-) (sorry no pictures from the performance - I just sat and enjoyed it with Brenna and Dustin :-)
Well, that is it for now!
Take Care!

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Wednesday, January 12

so even though Brenna has a slight cold - she is still smiling for me :-) Above - one of her new Christmas dolls (interesting fact in our house - all dolls are considered Barbies by Brenna - not sure why...). I have been busy making her some cloth hankies for her runny nose (she has 3 right now - we lost the first one I made at Target on the first day she had it - bummer!). I also finished my first two quilts that I made in Germany yesterday and today. I took them to a longarm place to be quilted together - I love the job the person did and her prices were very reasonable.

my corners all looked pretty good - and Brenna loved it so much she slept with it last night...
Brenna pretending to sleep ...
my first tag that I made...
Brenna being silly with her ice pack (she just bumped her head - I don't really think it was bothering her - do you?).
this quilt has hearts in the embroidery - looks great in person :-)
more pretending to sleep (from today)
don't you love the closed eyes and tongue sticking out???
Brenna had to include her hand in the shot with the tag...(I dated it 2010 since all the work but the binding was done in 2010 :-)
I love the shot below - if I send out Valentine's picture cards, I think this would be it :-)
Hello All!!!

Hope all is well out there! Things are o.k. here - Brenna has a cold and I feel like I may be starting one :-( Dustin is in Mexico until Saturday (but then we have big plans for Sunday and Monday together as a family :-)

With all the new snow here, I kept Brenna home from preschool yesterday and today (and we also will be missing dance class tonight - but thinking ahead to Sunday and Monday I am hoping for my healthy little girl). I may regret it, but I didn't shovel the driveway today - planning on doing it tomorrow...(we are still supposed to get more snow and blowing snow tonight).
Well, time to get food ready for dinner here - hope you enjoy all the projects I have been working on here :-)
Take Care!

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Tuesday, January 4

Another of Brenna's new dresses - she wore this one to school today.

my little performer and her singing...

so sweet...

Hello All!!!

Hope all is well out there. Not to much to blog about today, but wanted to get a post up for Divine Miss Gammy and wish her a happy birthday - hope you have a great one!!! We love you!!! (Brenna can't wait for you to come up and play with her toys - she has asked everyday this week if you are coming - I finally put it on her calendar today so that she can count down to Saturday). We had a great time shopping and spending time with you on Sunday - hope you had as much fun as we did!

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ENz9x1-dfmE - Happy Birthday!!
Take Care!

Monday, January 3, 2011

Monday, January 3

so - here a "few" pictures from the holidays :-) Above - I made Brenna a new tank top play dress - she loves all the sparkle (and I love that this one is washable). She was really impressed that I put all the sparkle on the dress (should I tell her that the fabric came that way...), but she is claiming all the remaining fabric for herself - wonder what else I can make for her out of it.... Brenna got this dress from me on Christmas eve with her Hershey Kiss exchange. So what was our exchange? With our advent tree - the last week, the only items that fit under the small trees that were left were Hershey's Kisses. Brenna doesn't love the kisses like she does some of the other chocolate - so on the 21st - I let her trade the kiss for a Kit Kat, on the 22nd - she traded for a piece of German chocolate that was her favorite, on the 23rd - she traded for the Hannah Montana finger nail polish kit (she had got a couple pieces of that already under those trees), and on the 24th - she didn't even think about keeping the kiss - she was ready to trade as soon as she saw it, lol. Now that the trees are gone - she is missing them - she has asked twice already about her trees in the morning....(although it isn't so much about the tree as it was the gift under them). I think we will be doing another forest next year :-)

my pictures are not in order today - they are in order by the camera that I took the pictures on (and I loaded pictures today from 3 different cameras, lol). So here starts pictures from Christmas at my side. My sister's daughter was not in the mood for pictures from me - this is the only nice smile picture I got from her, but at least the girls are looking good in this picture :-)
Ally on the other hand is always in the mood for a picture - you can hardly stop her from being in front of the camera once you get started :-) (although if you are noticing the child in the pink - she wanted to be in all my pictures that day too :-)
Ally and Sophie
our little models...Ally's family got a new puppy - Snickers sure is a cutie!
hmm - I think the girls needed to slide a little closer together for this one.... (oh, and Brenna was teaching Ally how to put her arm out for the picture - I think we are in trouble, lol).

big hugs!
this was one of my favorite pictures - (of course once Ally was down - she did get tickled attacked before being allowed back up by the other kids, lol).
what a good looking group here
the day after the party, the older kids all came over to my parent's house. Alexis asked about face painting - and this was our selection :-) (I may have to practice more if this is a continuous request :-) My face paints wash off a little easier than these did, but the girls all looked pretty with the paint on for the afternoon :0) The girls all wanted to match - thank goodness :0)
the ringleader :-)

the face painting even looking good with PJs
(what secrets are they whispering???)
Brenna discovered one of her hats at Gammy and Papa's house - love the pink hat :-)
Brenna got some new outfits while celebrating Divine Miss Gammy's birthday yesterday (Gammy thank you so much - she loves the outfits - she couldn't wait to get dressed this morning in the blue one - she has already selected the other one to wear tomorrow).

not sure why she was holding the pink shirt here... but looking adorable. (I may have to consider modifying some of her t-shirts that she already has like this so she will want to wear them - I think I have all the fabric here to do the skirt attachment!)

On Christmas eve, our family went ice skating together for the 1st time. Brenna loved it - she was grinning from ear to ear the whole time. (and lucky for me, Dustin has good balance, so he was able to help Brenna go around the whole time)
if you like this picture - be sure to check out my video links below :-)
Christmas at Dustin's parents :-) Brenna loved her cool new gifts
Uncle Steven picked some perfect PJ's - Brenna loves them and the matching slippers!
hugs with Gammy and Papa
another out of order shot - my sister and I getting our self picture in :-)
Brenna modeling my new slippers that Santa brought for me...
loving the sunglasses here :-)
Gammy bought Brenna 3 very cute dresses yesterday - she couldn't wait to put them on (in fact, she changed at the store into this one to wear at the mall yesterday).

Happy New Year Everyone!!!

Hope everyone reading had a wonderful holiday - I was on a blogging break during the holidays :-)

Lots of pictures for you to enjoy today (so I'm going to take a break from writing too much here). We had a great Christmas holiday - Brenna declared it the best so far :-)
Here are some videos of Brenna's first ice skating experience

Right before Christmas I also took my 1st two finished quilts to a person for long arm quilting - they look great. Once I get the binding attached I will be sure to get some pictures up ;-)

Hopefully, by the end of January, I will finally have all my Christmas gifts finished - I feel awful that I didn't finish any of my sister's gifts (guess I will have to make her something extra special to go with her gifts :-)
Well, that is all for now - take Care!
(oh, and we all are wishing Justice a happy birthday here - he turned 7 yesterday!) Happy birthday to our great dog!