Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Wednesday, January 12

so even though Brenna has a slight cold - she is still smiling for me :-) Above - one of her new Christmas dolls (interesting fact in our house - all dolls are considered Barbies by Brenna - not sure why...). I have been busy making her some cloth hankies for her runny nose (she has 3 right now - we lost the first one I made at Target on the first day she had it - bummer!). I also finished my first two quilts that I made in Germany yesterday and today. I took them to a longarm place to be quilted together - I love the job the person did and her prices were very reasonable.

my corners all looked pretty good - and Brenna loved it so much she slept with it last night...
Brenna pretending to sleep ...
my first tag that I made...
Brenna being silly with her ice pack (she just bumped her head - I don't really think it was bothering her - do you?).
this quilt has hearts in the embroidery - looks great in person :-)
more pretending to sleep (from today)
don't you love the closed eyes and tongue sticking out???
Brenna had to include her hand in the shot with the tag...(I dated it 2010 since all the work but the binding was done in 2010 :-)
I love the shot below - if I send out Valentine's picture cards, I think this would be it :-)
Hello All!!!

Hope all is well out there! Things are o.k. here - Brenna has a cold and I feel like I may be starting one :-( Dustin is in Mexico until Saturday (but then we have big plans for Sunday and Monday together as a family :-)

With all the new snow here, I kept Brenna home from preschool yesterday and today (and we also will be missing dance class tonight - but thinking ahead to Sunday and Monday I am hoping for my healthy little girl). I may regret it, but I didn't shovel the driveway today - planning on doing it tomorrow...(we are still supposed to get more snow and blowing snow tonight).
Well, time to get food ready for dinner here - hope you enjoy all the projects I have been working on here :-)
Take Care!


heathmamagam said...

Yes, I agree, the hearts are very appealing on your "I love you" quilt. love the little model, silly and all!

mikaysmom said...

guess you'll have to come help me make some beautiful quilts. Love them all and your cheeser looks pretty good for being a little under the weather! Miss you guys! Hope Dustin makes it back safely from Mexico and you guys get some good family time together on Sunday and Monday!