so, after weeks of waiting on Brenna's part, I finally finished her new Tangled costume (for anyone not in the know - this is the the Disney version of Rapunzel. Brenna loved the movie when she saw it in the theater with Dustin - I stayed with my mom that day and worked on crafts so I am very excited that it comes out on video this month. Especially since we have read all the Tangled books and I know the story now :-) I let Brenna wear her dress to school today - I am missing Carnival/Mardi Gras in Germany this year and today was Fat Tuesday (although the parade and dress up day in the town we lived it would have been yesterday - but then who could Brenna show off her new dress to?)

Brenna also got new summer shoes over the weekend - we can't wait for spring/summer here (Brenna can't wait to get out her new flip flops - mommy found her 3 new pairs (although one is a slipper pair that she can wear now in the house). Brenna had to have the shoes below when she saw the bow, sparkles, and princess heels - love at first sight for her :-)

It was almost 50 degrees at our house today, so I asked Brenna to go outside and model her dress really quick - we were outside for less than 5 minutes, but she was such a little model :-)

modeling in the sunshine in the front window - it was hard to get a real smile, but Brenna loved her new costume from today so much she asked to wear it again tomorrow (and she wouldn't let me hang it in the closet unless she could reach it when she wanted to - I think maybe this one will get more wear than the Princess and the Frog dress...)

Brenna holding the dress I made as a gift for our friend Kora - we missed her birthday party since Brenna was still recovering from her ear infection. There is so much fabric at the bottom that the dress can almost stand on its own - I think we could sew the bottom shut when Kora is done wearing it and it could be a cute bag :-) Brenna loved the dress when I finished Kora's - she can't wait for me to make hers now (but I'm sure she is glad that I finished the Rapunzel dress first).

Brenna with the flower she wore in her hair to school this morning.

gotta show off my new shoes...

after Brenna was almost over her ear infection (Brenna was sick the whole week after the ice festival - talk about a long week here), I made some rice heating pads. The dog one I designed and the owl was a design I found on the Make and Take website.

Brenna's new owl heating pad. She loves it - I heard her ask Dustin to heat it up tonight before bed :-) (I made him out of the scraps from Kora's dress - so cute!)

Hello All!!
Hope all is well out there! Things are finally starting to get back to normal around here. Brenna was down with an ear infection for a whole week in Feb. (it started right after the Ice Festival). Brenna hasn't had an ear infection since she was a baby - so it made for a very long week here. (she also was feeling awful with a runny nose and sore throat, but thankfully, we are past the antibiotic now and she is feeling great). I was exhausted the week following - not sure if it was the winter blahs or what, but this week we are all feeling better :-)
At the tail end of Brenna's ear infection I found this cute owl heating pad that you fill with rice - I made him in about 2 hours and Brenna was in love - I think I will have to make more of these, but I need to get some more felt first :-) I also made a dog heating pad with rice - I drew the dog free hand - I am pretty impressed with my first pass at that :-)
Since today was Fat Tuesday, I worked yesterday to finish Brenna's Tangled costume that I promised her in January. I think it turned out awesome - Brenna loved it so much she asked to wear it again tomorrow :-) Hopefully she won't abuse it as much the next time she wears it though - we waited in the hall at preschool today for one of Brenna's other friends to be picked up and she crawled on the floor with it and ran up and down the hall - I guess my construction was pretty good as I don't see any noticeable damage to it yet. I made the costume a little bigger at the top in case she still wants to wear it for Halloween - maybe I will be lucky and the dress will still look good at Halloween time and she will want to wear it :-)
Other than that, I need to be busy with projects this week to finish some gifts in time for my friends shower this weekend - just need to figure out exactly what I want to make now...
Take Care!!!
Brenna, you can be anything you really want, even a Spanish Dancer! love the dress and the new shoes!! Mommy has done it again....
Super cute! Great job!
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