wow - I really shouldn't go so long between posts - my pictures on the camera have been piling up, so I hope you enjoy a long post of pictures today! Anyway - on Mother's Day, I finished this great looking bag for Dustin's mom - I think it turned out adorable! M.E. - I hope you enjoy it :-)

Hope all is well out there! Things have been good here - tired of all the rain - I am certainly out of indoor activities for Brenna and I (although I am lucky that she can find almost anything fun - we even made it fun to mop the floors by pretending to be Cinderella mopping the floor on our hands and knees).
I can't believe the number of days I keep going between posts, but it seems I am averaging 4 posts a month right now, so as long as I do another one before Tuesday, I will still be doing o.k. for the month (sorry followers!).
Anyway, I had all the wonderful pictures above to share and also just had to share my crazy day here today. Nothing seemed to go right today - my Nook (book reader) broke (at least there is a replacement one coming in the next week or two), I dropped the new wireless computer mouse in the dog's water bowl (the only open water on the whole first floor and somehow it was drawn to it!), we had a new washer delivered and installed today - as soon as the delivery guys drove away, I noticed I had water coming out from under the machine - turns out that the drain hose on the washer was damaged (looks like it may have been cut when the box was opened) (but lucky for me I have a handy husband - yeah the new washer has now successful washed 2 loads and the whole family "enjoyed" watching the first real load of clothes), and when Brenna and I left the house today, we left the garage door open (for the several hours that we were gone today - oops!). I'm glad that the only real problem that we may have from these oops and bummer moments is a broken computer mouse (but man, I didn't want to touch anything all afternoon for fear that I would break it). Brenna kept my spirits up today - she was a little ray of sunshine all day (and loved her curly hair for the day). I sure hope tomorrow is a better day!
I have been really bad with starting new projects here lately (and I am not doing a great job with finishing them). I have been working on both digital and paper scrap books (I just did a digital book for Rome - it is so crazy to look at those pictures and see how much Brenna has grown, but what is really funny to me is that in Rome, Brenna didn't want me to take her pictures at all, and then this week, she couldn't seem to get enough of me taking her picture, lol). I also got my mother's day (and birthday) gift out and have been playing with my new Accuquilt GO! machine. I'm really glad I requested two dies from the internet for my birthday from Dustin - they are making the new quilt I started go much easier. Maybe one of these days I will be able to work on just one thing at a time, but I doubt it (although maybe this is why I'm so scattered all the time lately!).
I almost forgot that my sister and I had a road trip last Friday evening to meet on of our idols - Amy Butler was in St. Mary's, Ohio. It was really neat to meet her and Lisa Lam, another author (who wrote this really great book on bag making). Hopefully, Renee will send me some pictures of our great evening soon - in keeping with my scatter-brained ways, I forgot to take any of my Amy Butler patterns to be signed and I forgot my camera. Brenna and I enjoyed the Ft. Wayne zoo in the morning last Friday and then she really enjoyed staying with my parents for the evening. (Too bad that she had dance class on Saturday morning so we had to leave pretty early to drive back across the state...) But, we both had a really great time...
Dustin competed in his first triathalon of the season today - he had a great swim (and he did well on the run and bike too). Hopefully, we will be able to get Brenna and I out to enjoy at least one of his races this season.
Well, I think our pictures speak for the rest of what has been going on - hope you enjoy them!
Take Care
Brenna makes all things around us look and feel rosey, she sure is a piece of heaven! I thank God for the wonderful family he has given to us. So, is there a model in the future? and you are good at so many things, Mom!
What wonderful pictures and now I have to make a trek to Macy's to see if I can find some great clothes, these girls are growing! Wonderful cake, i like the swirl! Makes me really want to eat cake badly! Scattered, you are not scattered, just super, uber creative! Love you! Pics are on the way! Happy Birthday just a few hours early!
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