so, in case anyone noticed the black mark on Brenna's hand in her 5 year pics, it originally was a lemur stamp at the zoo - it had a lot of ink and smeared pretty quickly, but looked good at the start...Brenna has now ridden an animal on the zoo carousel from every continent (we picked up the paper last year about riding an animal from each continent, so it only too us about a year to complete...)

Hope all is well out there! Just thought I would take a quick minute and add some pictures from Brenna's birthday to the blog. Brenna had loads of fun at her party and received some amazing new gifts - clothes, Barbie clothes, Barbie and Nicholas dolls, a stuffed animal, books (which we have read all of them now - my personal favorite is a book from Dustin's parents called I Had a Favorite Dress - love, love this book :-), a puzzle, and some other goodies :-) (I will send out the thank you cards after I get her new pictures back on the 2nd of Sept. just in case anyone wonders :-)
It will be another crazy week here - my work is picking up a little bit and Dustin flys off today for Germany again. Hopefully, the week will go by quickly and Brenna and I will find plenty to occupy ourselves. Brenna is ready for dance and acro classes to start up again - I think she was glad to have one week off, but 3 is getting a little long for her - only 2 more weeks until classes start again...
Well, that is about all I have time for today!
Take Care!
Wow, that's quite the bubble gun there, Brenna! You are so interesting to see your expressions. And certain photos show a very mature-looking little diva. That is surely a special cake, Miss Gammie! Looks tasty and delicious!
what a cool feat to have ridden all those animals on the carosel! she's going to be one styling girl this year! Love the bubble guns, they look like so much fun! Thanks for sharing and was the cake as good as it looked?
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