Sunday, December 23, 2012

Sunday, December 23 - Brenna's Camera

Hello All!!
I was doing so well posting for a few days in November and then I got very busy with Brenna's dance group costumes...Well, the costumes were finished yesterday (thank goodness! my machine was not happy to finish these, I had to switch to the small Janome to finish the last one!).  The pictures below are all from Brenna's camera from her birthday.  The video on it is pretty good, but indoor pictures are pretty fuzzy (but still enjoyable :-) - she was having a good time modeling things from her closet and she used the bathroom to change in (and then came out with some make-up on :-) 

of course, the dog in the background - he seems to come running when he hears the camera be picked up...below one of Brenna's "babies"  - she loves these cats way more than I thought she would...she is excited every day to see them and always wants to cuddle with them

 uh, oh - not sure who she is blowing kisses too already!!
 hmmm, someone got in the red lipstick below - she looks good in anything she puts on though!

 hugging the other cat - looks like he is enjoying the hug!

 Brenna and I went to the zoo to see the baby snow leopards we have (boy we are really behind on pictures - those were from the summer)
 Brenna loves the Carousel - and now she is tall enough to ride by herself at the zoo - such a big girl!!

 princess jasmine...

 Minnie and Ariel combined :-)
 Fairy princess

 our bride (don't grow up too fast baby girl!)

 pop start
 Our dog is back...
 oh, my - I think we are in trouble with this diva!

 please do not disturb (below) - of course, we did!


mikaysmom said...

Your poor cats! LOL! at least they let her pick them up...I do think you may be in trouble with your diva at this time....she's too cute doing all the poses and blowing kisses already!