We celebrated our family Christmas here on Saturday (better than bringing stuff to the US and then bringing it all back here for stuff that we bought in Germany). Brenna was very happy with her new beloved dog (hmm, does he remind you of anyone else in our family, lol). She decided to name him Spike!

Before I forget in this post today - I want to send a birthday wish out to my niece Ally - hope you have a great day! Happy Birthday!!!
So, what have we been doing. I am still busy with Christmas gifts/crafts here - I can't seem to stop myself! I made two new purses and a new yoga bag for Brenna in the last two days, lol!! We celebrated Christmas here on Saturday morning - I am going to share those pictures today and then pictures of Dresden tomorrow morning before we leave for the airport. Dustin stayed home from work on Friday (I think I put that in Friday's post) and was still feeling pretty bad yesterday so we stayed in on Saturday (which was good for Brenna - she really loved getting a chance to play with all her new stuff). Today, we went to France to one of the Christmas markets (Strasbourg - it was really crowded) and also made a quick stop at the one in our town too. I am almost finished with packing - I am just not ambitious for that right now (I know Dustin may be annoyed with me, but I may wake up and finish that in the morning).
Well, even though I am sure there is more to say about Brenna's Christmas gifts (and our weekend), I am calling it a night!
Take Care!
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