Above is my favorite picture of Brenna from our trip. Below was my second favorite - love her great smile in these :-)

Hope all is well out there!!! It has been a long busy day here today :-) The weather finally improved today, so after German class, I did take Justice out for a short walk. With the weather being rainy yesterday, I decided to take Brenna out in her Chariot stroller. Anyone know anything about these Chariot strollers??? Well, one thing I know is that the wheels must be firmly latched into place or they will fall off the stroller and roll quickly down the hill where we live (right towards main street traffic!). Why do I know this? Well, yesterday morning, I thought it would be a good idea to take Brenna in this stroller to school. I didn't think to check that all the wheels were firmly attached - silly me! We only got about 100 yards from our house when the front wheel went on without us. This is where my story takes a turn for funniest videos (oh, I am so glad that it was early and there was not anyone out with a camera!) - I pushed Brenna into our neighbors driveway and went dashing after the wheel. I really looked like a crazy lady trying to get that wheel back - luckily for me it hit a curb about 75 yards away and stopped (which I am really glad for because of several reasons - 1. I don't run as fast or far as I used to 2. It wasn't hit by any cars and didn't cause any accidents 3. It didn't go in the stream by our house 4. And Brenna was stuck in the stroller in the driveway waiting for me to come back!). Anyway, after getting my morning dash in, I got the wheel onto the stoller (wrong) and made it about 3 blocks before it fell off again - urg... My second attempt at the wheel was more successful and we made it the rest of the way to school without incident. Hopefully this story made you laugh or smile - it really should be funny now in hindsight....
I have been busy here working on my Christmas gifts (mainly for Brenna - what a spoiled child I have made!).
We had a German Stammtisch this evening. This is an event that Luk does for the people here that come from the different countries who are temporarily here (they do different places each time). I really wish I would have had my camera with me, but of course, I forgot it :-( I got to help make a horseshoe this evening!!! (Our friend Dave even gave me one to bring home! How very cool that I have a horseshoe that I got to help make - thank you so much Dave! ). The first part of the event was done at the local museum in our town - Dave helped coordinate this event as he has been apprenticing with the iron work while here in Germany. So neat that he did this and shared it with our group. It was an emotional evening as well with Dave and Becki getting ready to go back to the US next week, leaving Dustin and I as the only Americans over here for Luk. We had a fondue meal after the tour. This would have been better had it been earlier in the evening (and maybe a little less formal - Brenna drank her apple juice out of a wine glass!).
Well, I am going to get ready for bed shortly. Hopefully you enjoyed my silly stories and pictures from today - with Christmas coming so quickly here and our trip, that is about as special as my 300th post could be today, lol!
Wow, can't believe 300 posts have come and gone. Too bad there was not a video camera to capture the runaway wheel! We are eagerly awaiting your time with us back here. love and Hugs
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