Above - Brenna in front of the "Double-Double" buses. Below - in front of St. Patrick's in Dublin

Hope all is well out there. We had a very nice weather day here today (and we took advantage of it by driving to Switzerland and seeing the Basel zoo ;0) I took Justice out for a nice walk in the morning, so I'm sure I will sleep well tonight after being on my feet so much, lol!
Happy birthday to my dad today - hope you have a great day!
So, for our summary of our last day of vacation:
On Monday morning, we drove from Galway to Dublin/Howth. Our bed and breakfast was in Howth (about 30 minutes outside of Dublin). After being in the car all morning, Brenna was happy to stay at the bed and breakfast (esp. since they had toys in the living room that were fun to play with - Brenna warmed right up to our hostess at the hotel as well - she was in a very friendly mood). But, we pulled Brenna out of the toy room (yes, tears were involved), and drove into Howth to see the seals and eat lunch. Brenna had fun feeding the seals and then we had a yummy lunch by the water (Dustin and I both had a lobster sandwich - really fresh and delicious and Brenna had fish and chips). After lunch, Brenna played at the great playground in Howth and then we checked out the seals again before heading into Dublin. It was about 4 pm when we got into Dublin, so we didn't try to wonder around too much - we parked the car and walked along a busy shopping street to the park in town. We only went a short distance into the park before changing directions and walking over to St. Patrick's Cathedral. We took a couple quick pictures outside and then headed back to the main shopping street and to the water (and many bridges). Brenna was getting tired and hungry, so we decided to head back to Howth for supper (we ate at a real Irish pub - at least we got that in before leaving). (by the way, if you are ever in England or Ireland - be sure to try the toffee pudding (if you find some) - it is more like a cake and is really good). Then, it was back to the bed and breakfast (where we let Brenna play in the toy room for about 10 minutes before bed). Anyway, hope you enjoyed our summary of the trip and all our pictures - I have alot more pictures I could post, but had to limit it to a reasonable number, lol. I need to get really busy getting Brenna's picture books done of all our trips - I am so far behind on all my projects, lol!
Well, I have been sitting for far to long this evening, so that is it for my post today!
Take Care!
Hey, you better watch out for those animal beggars! They are so lame!and lazy! Think they are a little used to it? great pics of your fun weekend.
We love looking at all your pictures... what a FUN vacation!!!
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