Brenna's favorite part of the Ireland trip - the playground in Howth. I'm sure she could have stayed and played all day, but of course we didn't have that much time. (She also really enjoyed feeding the seals - more pictures to follow on that tomorrow).

Hope all is well out there! We made it back from our great trip to Ireland :-) We had a great time and hopefully I can fill you all in tomorrow (sorry, no tales today, it has taken me too long just getting the pictures ready to go!). Brenna did a great job traveling - what a trooper (especially for all the time we were in the car!). Lots more pictures to share this week, but today, I hope you enjoy Brenna's smiles here as much as I do!
Take Care!
can't wait to hear more about your trip. Her smiles are just so precious! Glad you made it back safe and sound!
Brenna, is that a cup or a chair? It looks like a great time! Keep Smilng! !
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