We spent our day today at Europa Park - Doesn't Brenna look like she was having fun?? She looked awesome with the face painting, but really wasn't too much into having her picture taken today (I have lots of pictures that I tried to "sneak" but not many looking at the camera with smiles, lol).

Hope all is well out there! Things are going well here. The rains came on Saturday and it is much cooler here now :-) It is going to warm up some this week, but hopefully not back to the 100 degree weather we had this past week.
I am working on sewing Brenna's teachers each an apron - hopefully, those will be finished early this week so that I can give them to them this week (Brenna's kindergarten goes until the 29th). I have one of the apron's finished, the other two are in process, so it is looking promising to have them finished on time.
Yesterday, we drove to Innsbruck, Austria and Vaduz, Liechtenstein. Our weather wasn't the best, but we decided to take the chance on traveling yesterday. Our driving weather to Innsbruck wasn't too bad - mainly cloudy. But, after about 20 minutes in Innsbruck - this is what our weather changed into:
Our shoes were all soaked by the time we left Innsbruck. We tried to find some new socks before leaving as we thought we might walk around in Liechtenstein, but there were a lot of stores in Innsbruck that closed before 3 pm on Saturday (although the Swarovski store was open - lucky Brenna - she got a keychain and a new necklace (for when she is older)). So, we got in the car and drove to Vaduz, but the weather was pouring, our socks and shoes were all wet and we had Justice with us - so our only stop in Liechtenstein was a bathroom break in McDonalds. We drove through Switzerland on our way home - the weather was rainy and we were all ready to be home when we arrived back at our house at 10 pm.
Today, we drove south in Germany to Europa Park. The park was celebrating its 35 year anniversary this week. Brenna really enjoyed the park - although she was ready to see princesses (hmm, have we conditioned her to amusement parks including princesses and Mickey Mouse???). Brenna decided to wear the purple dress I made her - it looked so cute on her and the weather was comfortable to wear it (about 78 - 80 F ). I will try to remember more for posting tomorrow about our weekend travels - my brain doesn't seem to be functioning as well as I would like, lol!
Take Care!
Brenna, you look so grown up there! I can hardley believe it! Such a sweet smile!!
Lots of water! It's funny tho because most of the people just walked by like it was normal! Glad you had a good time!
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