Showing off her German colors today - what can I say - she is a World Cup fan - go Deutschland! (also, played with the black and white feature in photoshop - I think these might be fun to give to the neighbors before we leave - what do you think??)

Hope all is well out there! Things are moving along here - can't wait for Dustin to get back from his trip tonight - I hope this is the last trip while over here in Germany.... Brenna shared her cold with me :-( Hoping it doesn't get too bad - Brenna seems to be almost back to normal now (as if you couldn't tell by her pictures today, lol). The weather is going to turn warm (90s) tomorrow and through the weekend so we will be spending our afternoons at the pool. I broke down and ordered a new bathing suit - I can't believe all my old ones are from my honeymoon! Guess I should be glad that they still fit, lol!
Happy belated birthday to my brother-in-law - hope you had a great day!!!
We are cheering for "our" team tonight to win - (although we won't be watching - an 8:30 start is way past my bedtime these days, lol). Go Germany!!
Well, I am off to put my feet up since Brenna fell asleep early!
Take Care!
Love all these pictures! Hope Germany wins even tho Octopus Paul says Spain will win! I'm sure your neighbors would love the pics of her with the german flag and body paint! Are those skippyjon jones books? I need more, mikayla loves these and just laughs at all the crazy thing that cat does! Hope you guys and Justice can stay cool in the heat!
Keep that smile going, Brenna! we love all the pics of you! Cheer up that puupy dog of yours!
I have GOT to learn how to use Photoshop - that effect is absolutely the coolest!!!
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