Brenna and Divine Miss Gammy enjoying Lake Erie

Hope all is well out there! (Have I lost anyone with my long break in blogging - did you think I have forgotten??, lol - sorry, I haven't been myself lately, we all can't wait until I can find my good mood here).
I discovered today that I have some old pictures that I have forgotten to post - we had an excellent Saturday with Dustin's parents a few weekends ago - we went to Vermillion and just loved the peaceful town by the lake (although if they could get rid of the train going through so frequently it would have really been quiet and peaceful). Dustin's mom and Brenna went into the lake - it is great looking at my pictures now and seeing how much higher Brenna kept lifting her dress to keep it out of the water - we almost had a flasher that day, lol. Good thing we had an extra set of clothes along :-) The girls had lots of fun in the water (even after one of the dogs that was in the water decided to use it as a restroom - yuck!). Anyone who is looking for a great day trip to the lake - check out Vermillion - it is a wonderful town (and the chocolate shop is great too!!!).
We also attended a birthday party at Chuck E Cheese's that same weekend - Brenna had lots of fun at the party - hopefully we can get together with our friends in Ft. Wayne more frequently now that we are back :-)
So, this week, Brenna decided to finally start riding her bike (with training wheels) - she was a little intimidated by the pedaling, but she has finally started to really get the hang of it. (sorry, no pics yet on the bike - hopefully we will be able to get some soon though). Brenna also started preschool this week. I think she is going to have lots of fun at school - this week they did painting to learn more about colors - they mixed red and yellow on Tuesday to make orange, on Wednesday they made Purple People Eaters (I'm going to have to get a picture of the Purple People Eater - he is pretty cute), and on Thursday they painted with green eggs and ham. I like that we picked a school close to home, we have enough trouble getting to school on time with it being close - I can't imagine if we had to drive too far. On Monday, we had our friends from Germany up for some reading time (although the girls were a little more distracted this week, but it was nice to get together). Next time, I will have to do a better job of having lunch prepared before hand - I spent way too much time in the kitchen when I would have liked to visit with the girls. Brenna and I also drove down to the Wayne county fair this week - it is a pretty good fair for kids (but I am used to the fairgrounds where I grew up, so I was a little confused on the layout). It got pretty warm in the afternoon, so after checking out the animals and letting Brenna ride one kiddie ride, we headed back north (and stopped at Brenna's new ice cream supplier - the dollar cone at McDonald's - we miss our ice cream shop!)
While Brenna was in school this week I did some sewing for our family pictures (and Brenna's 4 year pics) today (oh, boy - can't wait to see new pictures - I am going to be so antsy until we get them). I made Brenna a really cute skirt and a new dress (almost had 2 dresses done, but need to put the sleeves on the last one). With only two sewing days while she was in school, I would say I did pretty well getting some projects put together. Not sure if I will try to get any pics with my camera of the new items before our pictures come back - I will have to think about it and see if Brenna wants to model any for us :-) Brenna wasn't being as independant with the pictures today, she wanted me close to her, so guess we wait and see what our photographer was able to come up with :-) (thanks for finding the photographer Joy - can't believe she is right in my neighborhood!)
Well, I think that is about it for today - I hope I can kick my cold that hit me this week and perk up my mood soon!
Take Care!
Ya, you must boot out that nasty cold, before anyone else gets it! ha. We all want you to feel great! The lake does look inviting, and I bet it was even warm. Nice pics, girls!
They look like they had fun in the water! I know that she enjoyed her time with Divine Miss Gammy! Love her outfit for preschool, be prepared for more independant dressing times, they don't get much better, she still looks so cute! Can't wait to see more pics from the photographer, i'm sure they are great! miss you! Feel better soon girly! Love ya!
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