Brenna trying to catch her bubbles on Tuesday - she of course loves her bubbles (now, we just need to get batteries for the bubble maker - blowing them is almost too much work, lol)

Hope all is well out there! Things are good here - I still haven't found my "groove" of being home in the US (the big house, driving, and having a TV I understand are actually all a little overwhelming to me these days, lol). (so needless to say that while Brenna was at school today I accomplished nada - and yesterday all I accomplished was grocery shopping - ack!).
On Tuesday afternoon after school, Brenna and I did some bubble fun and bike riding in the afternoon. She is coming home very tired after her morning in school (and doesn't want to nap anymore) - which makes for some interesting afternoons. We saw some vultures circling our neighborhood on Tuesday while we were eating lunch - I got my camera out to take some video of how close they were above, but then they disappeared (so they either landed and were eating or they flew on).
Yesterday, I finally made it to the grocery store and then spent the rest of the time while Brenna was at school making chili for supper. We also made homemade applesauce yesterday and a corn casserole recipe (my kitchen is still a mess - I'm not used to all that cooking anymore, lol). It was nice to finally get the crock pot out after all our time away from it (I think Dustin actually liked having a hot supper for once too). Brenna had dance class in the evening (which she continues to love), but she fell asleep about 1 minute away from the dance building - but we arrived early enough that she revived herself well before class. We went on a bike ride around the neighborhood after getting back home - on the long walk around Brenna still likes to go on her tricycle. (I wonder if it is because she doesn't have to wear all her gear on the tricycle??).
Today, after school, we went to Hobby Lobby for some soap making materials (I really just went for scent, but ended up coming home with more - oops!). I think our soap project today was a big hit :-)
Well, I think that is most of the highlights!
Take Care!
yes, your soap rocks! very neat and shiny. Brenna looks like a special flower when she makes bubbles in her flower dress. Good job on that one, Mom!
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