Hope all is well out there! Things are good here. This week we went to both the Akron and Cleveland zoos and enjoyed our regular schedule of preschool and dance class as well :-) We love the Akron zoo and even went in the drizzly rain on Monday (I figured we have the rain gear, we might as well use it - although we are going to need a bigger pair of boots for Brenna soon). All of the animals were out on Monday, so we really had a great time (and I think the zoo is the perfect size for Brenna). The only down side of the day was when Brenna went down the slide and landed on her bottom instead of her feet - her backside and hands were a mess, but at least everything wiped and washed off easily. Brenna is determined to ride an animal from each continent at the zoo and see what the special prize is - wonder if she has the patience to make it thru 6 more animals, lol.
Tuesday, we had movie day - we enjoyed the new Tinkerbell movie together :-) (so much so that we didn't hear the door bell ring when our neighbor came to visit, lol). Wednesday it was preschool and dance class (which Brenna continues to love). Yesterday, we drove to Cleveland and enjoyed the nice weather outside. It was great to see the baby animals at the Cleveland zoo (yeah, a baby koala and a baby rhino) , but there was a lot of construction going on and I kind of feel like the zoo is too spread out. Brenna enjoyed petting the goats, a chinchilla, and a snake. She has even said twice now that the snake wasn't scary at all :-)
Today, we enjoyed a neighbors book party. Brenna loved playing with the neighbor kids - I think she could have stayed until supper time. I also finished Brenna's dress I started the week we did our family pictures (so not that long ago). She looked so cute in her outfit, but really wasn't interested in having her pictures taken. (Sorry I have no pics from the zoo yesterday - she looked adorable in her pink tutu skirt from Divine Miss Gammie - all the ladies who saw her just said how adorable she looked).
Well, I suppose that is about it for now! Take Care!
Brenna, you are such a doll! We all love you so much, and you are a great blessing with your smile and personality. Keep smiling!
Super cute! That's all that needs said! Love you!
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