above the bib I made for the birthday party last weekend - hope they get some wear out of it. I loved the binding I made and the little monkey turned out so cute. Below, Brenna and I on one of the hayrides from the fall tour last Sunday.

Happy Birthday to my mom today - hope you have a great day!!!!
Last weekend we went to a great birthday party for our friends from Germany (who are living here in the US - I sure missed them when they moved here, but I am glad we can visit with them here). I think I need to have my friend plan future kids parties for me - it was a great party - she had great activities for the kids and even sent home a really nice goody bag :-) The food was really, really good too (way better than my easy pizza party I had for Brenna - I would like to say in my defense that we didn't have any of our stuff back from Germany at that point, but reality is that Brenna has had a lot of pizza parties for her birthday - maybe next year we will do something different). One really neat thing from the party is that in Germany the kids don't have to wait to open their gifts at the party - the kids get to open the gifts up as the guests arrive - I think we will do that at Brenna's party next year, so be prepared for that, lol :-) It was great to get to visit with the friends that we have in common and also meet the great new friends that our friends have met since moving to the US.
We also went on the fall tour here in Medina last weekend with Dustin's parents. We had such a great day for our outing. We went to one of the farms on the list first (which I really would not do again - the horses looked starved and that stop wanted to charge for all their activities - boo to you). Then we went to a Christmas tree farm and an apple orchard and enjoyed our hayrides there. The Christmas tree farm had homemade doughnuts and fresh apple cider - yum! They also had a chestnut tree - I have missed seeing them this fall in our area (they were everywhere in our town in Germany). The apple orchard was very crowded, so we did the hayride there and then headed back home. We went out for ice cream to complete our day - we had a really great time (and Brenna even told me that in the car on the way home :-)
As I said yesterday, this week has been focused on Brenna's dress - I didn't even get laundry done this week I was so busy with it in the mornings when she was at school :-)
Well, take care!
Oh, I almost forgot, we made an online paper from our first hayride a couple weeks ago - you can check out the pictures and the story here : http://blog.cleveland.com/medinasun/2010/10/hay_ride_season_in_full_swing.html
Brenna, you rock!! Keep taking those photo memories...like I said before, you are such a blessing to us all!
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