Hello All!!
Hope all is well out there. We went to Strasbourg, France today. It was a very enjoyable day and the weather was very sunny and warm (I think I got a little too much sun when we sat outside for lunch). We went in the Cathedral there - the glass windows were very pretty - they are very serious about everyone being quiet though - heard "Shhh" lots of times (luckily not directed to Brenna - she was really, really good - I think I was louder in there than she was!). We bought Brenna an ice cream cone which they made into a rose - almost tried to take a picture - but decided the "fight" wouldn't be worth it (all the stuff in our arms, lots of beggers) - much better just to enjoy it. Almost wish I would have had Justice to keep the beggers away from us...
Brenna and mom road on a double decker merry-go-round - first one of those I have ever seen.
Yesterday, after the rain storm we saw the local neighborhood "Snail party" - more snails than I have ever seen (I'm sure there were over 100) - Brenna loved them. Not sure how many times we heard "He's so cute!", but man can her and Dustin spot them all! It helped Brenna keep moving on the walk to look for the next ones. We had to come home and look some information up on snails on Wipekedia - pretty interesting for our area - I didn't know that slugs are pretty much the same as snails, but without shells (which is interesting from the "eww" reaction to the "He's so cute!"). I only saw one snail on my walk this morning, but he was the biggest one out of all the ones we saw - guess I needed Dustin and Brenna's help to spot them (only slugs this morning). I found myself watching my feet for most of the walk though as I really didn't want to be smushing the slugs (or stepping on any "cute" snails).
Mom and I picked out some pretty Gerbera Daisies this morning - we have a very pretty bouquet here (my other flowers bit the dust - glad to dress up the apartment with fresh new ones :-)
I got to pick out my own mother's day gift today in France - maybe we will get a picture tomorrow - it is a very pretty necklace :-) Hope you enjoy Brenna and mom's necklace project from yesterday.
Take Care!
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