Hope all is well out there. It was a hot and humid day here (o.k., I think all the days are humid here - it is a very wet place where we live). I took Justice out for his long walk this morning - good thing as it was already getting warm. Can't wait for the rain storms on Tuesday to come and cool things off for the rest of the week.
We discovered with the warm weather that Brenna doesn't have much in summer clothes. We bought several new tank tops yesterday that Brenna can wear either for bed or around the house. My mom made Brenna a new pair of shorts today (we also bought some elastic yesterday) - hope you enjoy Brenna's fashion show above with them. The shorts also match the headbands we made earlier in her stay :-) Brenna was in underware all day today and dry (she has been doing really well with my mom here as well) - she was even dry when she woke up and at naptime - you go girl!! She was funny with our road trips the last few days. Brenna recognizes rest areas here - seems like every time we pass one, then we hear "I have to go to the bathroom", lol. We weren't even out of town yesterday (Dustin had just stopped for gas), when we had the first chorous of "I have to go to the bathroom" (we had all went before leaving the house too). I can't complain as she is holding it now until we get to the potty and going on the potty when she says she needs to go. We are so proud of her (o.k., I know you all may be bored by this now and I'm feeling very much like the parent that has shared too much!)
Going to be really hot here tomorrow - in the 90s. At least it should only be one day and then the rain will come through and cool things off. We are hoping to let the snails go "into the wild" on Tuesday or Wednesday when it is wet and not so hot. With all the damage they do to the gardens, our neighbors asked that we let them go far from home - hopefully we will get them out before they get hungry again - those three eat like pigs (and are making a mess of their temporary home - we don't really want to clean up after these three snails!).
Our cinderella balloon still looks great - I still can't believe how big that thing is!
Well, that is it for today! Take Care!
This just shows you how much time I actually get to do things. I love how Brenna is all matchy, matchy in her "modeling" pics. She is such a ham when she wants to be. Don't feel bad about sharing your potty training. I think I must tell everyone, even people I don't know well potty stories! Maybe that's a sign that we are moms! Oh well, yay that she is doing so well. Mikayla and Brenna will have to have a virtual party when it's all said and done. So why no picture of the three slimey snails???? I'm amazed at how big they are and to hear you talk about how much damage they cause to the locals, anyone for calamari??? Stay cool, hope the rain really cools you guys off!
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