Hello All!!
We had a busy day here in Germany :-) We decorated princess crowns this morning - don't you love all our pictures from today, lol! Brenna also decided since the weather was cooler, she would love to have on her new princess dress - can you tell how much she loved it (and how beautiful she felt in it??) I cleaned in the apartment this morning and managed to drop Brenna's table on my foot - who knew that plastic could hurt so much, lol! I don't remember ever having bruises on my feet before living here, lol!
The weather has been rainy today, but much cooler - which made us all much happier today :-) Mom worked on an embroidery this afternoon - they will be pockets on the back of Brenna's shorts - I will try to get pictures up of them soon. It is funny that she picked out turtles for her pockets - who would have guessed that she would end up liking turtles, lol. She also wants an embroidery of Miss Piggy - not sure where her desire for that character came from??
Hopefully, Justice and I will make it out for a long walk tomorrow - mom and I have been enjoying sweets here (who knew that almond/hazelnut spread could be so addictive - I knew I should not have bought one to just "taste" - and the new chocolates aren't helping either, lol).
Well, I think that is about it for today! We plan to set our snails free tomorrow (and then get ice cream afterwards) - wish us luck that plan works out well!
Take Care!
Toooo cute! I have several pictures very similar to this with the facial expressions. It has only just begun! I am so happy that you guys are having so much fun! Can't wait to hear how the snail release back into the wild goes! Love ya!
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