Posted by DA&B at 9:41 AM 2 comments | Permalink
Labels: Brenna Pic, Pet pics
Brenna's new summer dress that I made yesterday - can you see all the colorful fish?? (Maybe it was a good thing that she didn't want to wear it to the zoo today - the pelicans were out in full force, lol). If anyone wants the link to the pattern, let me know - it was a really easy dress to make :-)
Posted by DA&B at 10:53 AM 1 comments | Permalink
Labels: Brenna Pic, family pic, Family travel
Posted by DA&B at 12:48 PM 1 comments | Permalink
Labels: Brenna Pic, Crafts
Hello All!!!
Hope all is well out there. I can't believe I missed my posting yesterday - by the time it was bedtime, I forgot that I had a funny video to share :-) I love the way she says Baden-Baden, so of course I had to video her saying it (even though the zoo is not in Baden-Baden). You can of course see that Justice didn't want to be left out, but maybe Brenna has a future in TV (although she wasn't sure where the microphone needed to be, lol). She made it through the whole ABC song (although she had to be promted to keep going - she did do it all on her own though).
Yesterday, Brenna and I stayed inside mostly - it is warming up some here so I wasn't feeling too energetic in our warmer apartment (it isn't hot yet, but it doesn't take much to feel like you are baking in the attic apartment). (Which, no baking/cooking will be done until the weather cools off - leftovers, microwave meals, and cold sandwiches here we come, lol).
Brenna loved dressing up her knew doll and just playing around the house. We are hoping to do finger painting today, although we will see what happens. No plans for today as they are calling for rain, but we are hoping for a fun outing tomorrow (haven't decided where yet - maybe one of the castles :-)
Take Care!
Posted by DA&B at 11:14 PM 1 comments | Permalink
Hello All!!!
Hope all is well out there. Brenna got a surprise package today - she was so excited (I put it on video for the folks that sent the package - I will get it to you soon) and loved all the items. She received several new summer outfits (just in time as the weather is going to warm up over the next several days) and a new doll that she really loves (she played with it all evening and she made the cut to be in her room at nap time - no small feat for her, lol). She wore the outfit today with Ariel on it, but she can't wait until tomorrow when she will either wear the princess or the other ice cream cone outfit - can't wait to see which one she picks (and if she will model it for us all??).
Dustin had another long work day (and Brenna had to go to bed before he got home - although, I may go to bed before he gets home too, lol - it is almost 10 and I need to walk Justice in the morning...) At least part of it was for dinner out with his work group, hope that went well. Brenna and I had a "lazy" day today - German class this morning (which I am really not doing the best at right now - must study harder here, although who knows how many more classes I will actually be able to have), then we walked to the stores, played some in her room, played with her new doll (she has got to wear all of her outfits now and all of her shoes - can't wait to see how long before the dog ends up eating one of those...), walked the dog, and walked back to the store (for supper ingredients). Brenna asked for waffles for supper, so we bought the packaged ones here (they are very sugared, but she loves them) and I added some whipped cream on top (I think this is the first time she remembers having the stuff (and the real stuff too - no cool whip here) and she loved it). I tried to eat healthy and had a weight watchers soup but broke down and shared one waffle with Brenna (o.k. - I was trying to make up for my ice cream snack today - I got a little carried away there, but we did walk Justice twice today). I made my favorite cold oatmeal cereal from my childhood today - our small taste tests (for Brenna and I) seemed to be good - hope it tastes good tomorrow (we exchanged some of the ingredients for what is easy to find over here).
Brenna has been doing great on the potty, but doesn't want to wear her underware after having a couple small accidents in them. Hopefully, we can convince her to change over soon - I can't imagine on these hot days that a pull-up is better than cotton underware. Well, I think that about covers our day (other than the really boring lazy parts in between - I was such a bad mom today...).
Take Care!
Posted by DA&B at 12:38 PM 1 comments | Permalink
Labels: Germany
Posted by DA&B at 12:22 PM 2 comments | Permalink
Labels: Brenna Pic, family pic
Posted by DA&B at 10:29 PM 2 comments | Permalink
Labels: Brenna Pic, Flower pics, Germany
Posted by DA&B at 3:43 AM 2 comments | Permalink
Labels: Brenna Pic, Video
Hello All!!
Hope all is well out there. We had a busy day here yesterday (and a tired one too - I spent way too much time in the sun yesterday). My german class was cancelled in the morning, but it gave me a chance to sit down and study - which I think I may have needed more (if I could just study for 1 hour each day I would be doing much better). I let Brenna sleep in and then we headed off to the pool again :-) At least Brenna loves riding the bus - I have trouble with my patience in waiting, which will be discussed later on... Brenna and I bought her a pair of flip-flops like mine - her feet are so wide she may have a hard time wearing them well, but I think she will at least enjoy putting them on in the house. She loves playing in the water at the pool which Dustin said is a huge improvement from last year - we played in the warm water inside and then went outside as well. Brenna and Karen (who may be Brenna's new best friend since she shared all her fries with her - bummer she is going back to the states so soon) found a snail close by - and you can imagine Brenna's excitement to play and "pet" the little guy. We enjoyed eating lunch outside - Brenna thinks that is so, so cool. She likes playing with Joy and Kora Lily (another American family over here), but gets a little anxious when the baby cries - she really likes to mother and wants to help if she can. After the pool, we planned on riding the bus home - it was getting way past Brenna's nap time and I could tell she was getting really tired. It was amazing how hot the weather was in the afternoon, and of course I forgot to take my hat for the sun. We waited at one of the stops for about 25 minutes and then decided to run to the store before the next bus came (of course about 5 minutes after we left the bus stop, a bus finally did come - don't get me wrong, the buses here run very timely, but I must have read the time wrong for the 1st bus that we were "waiting" for - if only I would have showed a little more patience I wouldn't have a new sandle tan line this morning...). So, we picked up a few items at the store and then walked to the next bus stop and at that point, Brenna was out. I debated whether to wake her and ride the bus (in which case I knew she wouldn't go back to sleep and would probably be crabby all afternoon) or just walk back... I decided to walk back - it really isn't that far (and I walk that distance all the time, right...) but with a filled backpack, stroller, and the hot sun I was soaked in sweat (and had a major headache) by the time we got back home (and it was about an hour walk from the store). Justice couldn't wait for us to be home and take him out - where is a dog walker when you need one?? but Brenna was a trouper and we walked him down to the park (and then back to the apartment to cool off and veg)... Love that Brenna wants to mother me too - I put a cool towel on my head to cool off after the walk and if I took it off, she came over and put it back on...We both got our baths in - Brenna decided to pour her cold water on me during my bath - boy did she think that was fun to spray the water in - but at least I was already too warm from our day travels. It stayed hot and sticky yesterday, but it is raining this morning and the weather should cool off today :-)
We are planning a trip into Baden-Baden this morning with friends and I really have to do some baking and cleaning before they come. Hope my Grandma Heath feels better soon - sorry to hear that she had some problems yesterday.
Take Care!
Posted by DA&B at 9:54 PM 0 comments | Permalink
Labels: Germany
Posted by DA&B at 12:50 PM 1 comments | Permalink
Labels: Brenna Pic
Posted by DA&B at 1:15 PM 1 comments | Permalink
Labels: Germany
Posted by DA&B at 12:55 PM 1 comments | Permalink
Labels: Brenna Pic, family pic
Posted by DA&B at 1:00 PM 1 comments | Permalink
Labels: Brenna Pic, family pic, Family travel
Hello All!!!
Hope all is well out there. We had a pretty quiet day today - just bummed around the house (why do I have such guilt about lazy days here - I always feel like I should be cleaning up) and went out to a couple of stores. I'm waiting for evening to see if our bat comes out again - I'm posting earlier so I'm not just typing away unaware of something flying over my head...
Justice and I made it out for two nice walks today - hopefully I can take him on at least one tomorrow - we plan to go out traveling tomorrow, so we will see how that goes...
I made a very yummy dish yesterday from the TV show Cook Yourself Thin (yea for itunes having a free preview - it intrigued me to find the recipe on the Lifetime website) - it was called Eggplant stackers and was wonderful. It was the best eggplant dish I've eaten - almost took a picture of how pretty the stacks looked, but didn't get the camera out as I was more hungry than ambitious...Brenna wasn't willing to try it, hopefully it is just a stage she is going through...
Brenna has a new favorite movie with the new release of Bolt - she is in love with the movie and it is all she wants to watch right now.
Happy birthday to Taylor today - hope you have a great 2nd birthday - how the time has flown by!!!
Take Care!
Posted by DA&B at 11:41 AM 0 comments | Permalink
Labels: Germany
Posted by DA&B at 12:22 PM 0 comments | Permalink
Labels: Brenna Pic, Germany
Posted by DA&B at 11:41 AM 1 comments | Permalink
Labels: Brenna's Pictures
Hello All!!!
Hope all is well out there. We had a rainy day here in Germany - our poor planing resulted in walking the dog in the rain for both the morning and afternoon walk (at least we split it and I did get the lighter rain storm...although I was lucky that my sister called for the afternoon storm - thanks - it was really pouring!). Amazing how it went from sun to rain in just a few minutes for the afternoon downpour... My apartment is smelling a little like wet dog now, yuck...The weather forecast is calling for rain every day this week, what a bummer - but Dustin has a short work week, so that is something to look forward to :-) (Hope my new rain coat gets here soon - at least I can be stylish in the rain, lol).
Thanks to my family for calling for the party today - glad we got a chance to "attend" (sorry, I wasn't better prepared, at least Dustin didn't have a laptop to take to my bath - lol). We had to get out our left over frosting to help celebrate today - we just put ours on Butterkeks though (kind of like graham crackers).
I think my brain has been down that last few days - I've been trying to switch my schedule to wake up and take the dog for a walk before Dustin goes to work (not an easy feat for this non-morning person and my resulting grouchy moods have been bad for Brenna and I in the afternoons...). Brenna is continuing to do great on the potty - you go girl!!! I still can't get over how grown up she gets every day. She told me a story today, starting "Once upon at time..."
Love that Brenna takes after me in lots of way, lol - she had to "bust" Daddy at bedtime for eating peanut butter. When he tucked her in, she had to tell him "Daddy, you smell like peanut butter" (I used to bust him on this lots in the US, lol) - some smells are just too recognizable.
Well, I think that is it for today! Take Care!
Posted by DA&B at 12:16 PM 0 comments | Permalink
Labels: Germany
Brenna loved my new haircut in the picture above (this was an arm reach self portrait - good thing I have such long arms!- but didn't think that anyone could actually see how short it is - so I took the picture below with the webcam to show how short it is, lol - be kind, I don't have any make-up on, not even lip gloss, lol!
Posted by DA&B at 7:18 AM 1 comments | Permalink
Labels: Brenna Pic, family pic
Hello All!!!
Hope all is well out there. We have had a pretty quiet last couple days - just getting back to our routine. Brenna and I played tent yesterday and today (build a "tent" with blankets and chairs - I think our tent yesterday was better than today, I could lay in yesterday's tent, lol), played with playdough today, and played doctor visit. I needed to clean today, but put that off until tomorrow - I'm sure the dog hair will still be here, lol! Although, the camera got put away, so no pictures from the last couple days, lol! I've been thinking about taking the camera on the walk with the dog - I love the flower that they have over here called foxglove (native over here) - I just think it is a cool looking flower. With mom going home, I'm going to have to send her pictures of flowers so she can help me identify them, lol!
I've been trying to wake up very early to take the dog for his walks in the morning - hopefully, I can keep that up as it is very good exercise for both of us. Going to be a bummer for all of us when Dustin travels out of town for the week in 2 weeks :-( At least we have a long weekend next weekend - 4 days :-) I took a walk with one of our German friends today - I must work more on speaking and listening - didn't feel very competent today with my language skills...
I'm scheduled to get my first German hair cut tomorrow - I think I'm just going to find a picture to take in and hope to come out looking somewhat like the picture - cross your fingers!! The place has a great play area for kids, but hopefully Dustin will be able to entertain Brenna for a morning - I know he is hoping to sleep-in somewhat.
Well, that is about it for today!
Take Care!
Posted by DA&B at 12:00 PM 0 comments | Permalink
Labels: Germany
Posted by DA&B at 4:30 AM 0 comments | Permalink
Labels: Crafts
Our June cake with all the extra frosting from my birthday :-) - I played with my frosting tips for the first time and got to use my new birthday plates :-) Isn't that cake fun (and silly!)
Posted by DA&B at 7:23 AM 0 comments | Permalink
Labels: Brenna Pic, family pic, Family travel