Monday, June 22, 2009

Tuesday, June 23

Most days - Brenna has stopped wearing pants, but she is finally in underware :-) I think the picture of the meat below is funny - Brenna did not want to be in the picture (can you tell she wouldn't even look at the camera), but I had to take a picture of the meat with elephant pictures on it.

Hello All!!

Hope all is well out there. We had a quiet day yesterday - German class in the morning and then inside all day (it was a rainy day here, but we did get a lucky break when we had to take the dog for his walk). Brenna took her knew pinwheel on her walk today - that was a good purchase (thanks for finding them Karen - she had so much fun with you - she is already pretend playing with you here at home, lol). We made a beautiful batch of scrambled pancakes for supper with a strawberry sauce (I couldn't believe that Brenna wouldn't try the strawberry sauce - she will only eat the strawberries when they are fresh right now...). Dustin had a late day and then had to run off to the airport, I know that Brenna was pretty bummed about that - hopefully he will get some time this week when he is home to spend with her.
Brenna is doing pretty well with her underware - just one accident in the last few days (and then she knew that she had to use the potty, but thought she had time to brush her teeth first - oops). Brenna and I invented a new game for her yesterday - rolled her up in a blanket (since the weather was cooler, it was possible to do this :0) and then put "toppings" on her burrito, lol. I love all the toppings she wants on (although I don't know if she actually knows what a burrito is either, lol) - coconut, peas, beans, carrots, pizza. Brenna had me get rolled up to (although the small blankets are much easier on that small little body, lol) and put toppings on me as well. She has also been enjoying getting all her stuffed animals out and playing with them (but only a select few get to stay out for naptime - all of her dogs - she has 4 and one turtle - who behaves like a dog most days, lol). The chosen few also have to be in the living room with her all day - I love the armful of stuffed animals she brings out in the morning - too funny.
Our neighbor's hydrangea bushes are in full bloom - I think they look so pretty (and they looked so pretty when they were getting ready to bloom). Brenna and I plan to go to the local store today - I can't believe we ran out of 3 oils that we have in the house on the same day - what is the chances of that happening??? (Renee - I love my pampered chef sprayers - those were a great idea over here :-)
Well, I need to get busy! Take Care!


mikaysmom said...

Is that bologna with the elephant on it? Too funny! Glad to hear that Brenna is doing really good with her underwear, next time tell her she'll have to brush her teeth after she goes! Sounds like you are staying busy! Glad to know that the sprayers are working out, I can't find mine!!!! Love ya!

mikaysmom said...

Oh yeah, Mom shared her nut chocolate spread with me on Sunday. One word: OMG!