Hope all is well out there. Brenna had an exciting day as we took the bus into town for the first time to go to the local pool (funny that their is a pool basically in my "backyard", but we went in town to do the one that was inside - in the summer). I should have planned better - I didn't look at the bus schedule until we had already missed the bus we should have taken into town, but it was all still o.k. - Brenna didn't mind as long as she was able to ride the bus and go to the pool (and have an ice cream snack afterwards). Brenna loved the pool - they had a small slide for the kids, some fountains, and other kid toys that she liked playing with and the water was only about 1 1/2 feet deep (and heated)...
Brenna was very tired after our morning adventures so she napped when we arrived back home and I worked on laundry (although the house work keeps piling up - where is my fairy godmother to help me on that one???) Our outdoor guest (we think it is a bat or bat family) continues to make a mess on the balcony - sucks with all the beautiful weather not to sit out there and enjoy it, but if they keep the bugs out of the apartment, maybe they are worth having around?? We are planning another trip to the pool tomorrow after German class. I'm sure Brenna will love riding the bus again and it will help the days pass faster with Dustin away. Our landlord gave us another large bowl of cherries today- not sure what I am going to make with them (and not looking forward to making a mess of my hands again - but hate to see them go to waste too). Brenna decided she had to ride her horse today - hope you enjoy our pictures from that :-)
Well, I need to go work on my homework and studying - Take Care!
Wow! Brenna's horse looks rearing to go! And she is So...cute! Keep having that fun, we miss you and love you All.
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