Hello All!!
Hope all is well out there. I've been overly tired the last few days, so not too much going on here. I think I'm missing all the exercise I was getting when my mom was here - I must start getting up early to take the dog for a good walk, but the rainy mornings haven't been encouraging lately...(hope my new rain coat gets here soon...). I let Brenna control the camera for the last two days - hope you enjoy your glimpses in to the world according to Brenna. She has taken over 200 pictures in the last two days - can you tell she is my girl, lol :-)
We made corn dog muffins for dinner yesterday. Brenna just liked picking out the hot dogs the first day, but ate 2 1/2 muffins today for lunch. I was sure she would love them, but she would rather just have the hot dog... I thought they were pretty good (I think I ended up eating most of them...), but Dustin didn't like the corn in them and thought they could use some more hot dog... Oh well, you can't win them all, lol.
We had German class the last two days - there is a holiday on Thursday and then Dustin has a 4 day weekend :-) I'm starting to work on translating a book in German - hope that will help my language skills, but so far I am just finding it difficult to read.
Well, that is about it for today! Take Care!
I thought you took the first two! Very good job little Brenna girl! You are going to be just like your mommy! Sorry to hear that you are not feeling as energetic as before. I hope that you get your energy back and the weather starts to cooperate a little better. It was nice to see you "at the party" on sunday. Thank goodness for amazing technology! It's nice to know I'm not the only mom who becomes one of her daughter's royal subjects when we play! I can't wait to see more photos as the week goes by! Miss you!
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