My new notebook cover above - I've been dying to make this turkey - don't ask me why, I don't know - I just think he is really cute! I put it on my suede cloth that I have here - I think it turned out pretty nice.

Hello All!!!
Hope all is well out there. I stayed up way too late last night working on my newest project and then reading to relax (but hey, I'm going to have to adjust my time this week anyways - maybe that wasn't such a bad thing! Although waking up early this morning wasn't so nice!). I finally made my turkey embroidery - I have been dying to make this, not sure why, but isn't he adorable?? I put it on a notebook cover - I think I may put sewing notes in here... I also made a "case" for the ipod we are bringing with us on our trip. I think it turned out pretty well (I should probably write down what I did - maybe someone else will think it is cool)...
Brenna had her last class with our German teacher this morning - how sad :-( I can't believe how quickly that time has went with them - I'm sure that Brenna will miss seeing her twice a week when she goes to kindergarten (hey, I will miss seeing her twice a week after September - my classes end then... :-(
Brenna and I played photographer this morning - she wanted the dog in the room (and in the pictures) but he wasn't working with us this morning - so he had to wait outside the room until we were done. She loves pressing the shutter down on my camera - I think I will have a little photographer on my hands someday! We also took all her stuffed animals to a "trip to Disney" this morning. I think she will really love it when we go there next year all together (to the Paris one).
Well, I think that is it for this morning!
Take Care!
Talent...that's all I can say!
Oh wait, I can come up with other things to say, just thought I would let you bask in your talent!
Your new case looks just like it was made for it...good job! Just don't make a habit of the late night thing! Brenna smile is so-o sweet.
Thanks Renee - although all your cake making is a talent into itself - I bet mom is so proud of both of us for learning all of these things from her :-)
your works looks WONDERFUL!... I hope you have a great time back HOME!!!!
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