Hello All!!!
Not sure that I will be writing much today - I am really tired after our travels today (not sure why - maybe I just ate too much in the car...).
We went to visit castles today :-) It was a nice weather day as far as temperature - not too warm, but a little rainy as we visited our first destination. The first castle we visited, Schloss Johannisburg, was destroyed during World War II - it was a big castle, but Brenna just wanted to speed right through it. We walked over to the building that is an idealized replica of a Roman villa next - I think Dustin liked that the most. Then, we drove over to Schloss Schönbusch - I think Dustin, Brenna, and I liked the grounds the most - the building (palace) tour was hard for us to follow as it was given all in German (and the tour guide went into great detail on the tables, decor - it was all original - but not sure why all the wall paper needed to match exactly to the furniture..., and pictures). Brenna really liked the swans that she saw here - but it was past nap time, so we were all ready to get back on the road again.
Yesterday, we just stayed around home and did some errands. I bought Fudge-a-mania in German - I never read it in English - maybe one of my nieces or nephews would like to read the English version with me and then we can talk about it, lol!! Also, I'm starting to get things around for the trip back to the US - can't believe that we only have one more weekend before we fly!!! They are calling for rainy weather here this week which will be a real bummer as Dustin is out of town Monday - Wednesday this week... Brenna has her kindergarden visit on Thursday - hope that all goes well :-)
I can't believe how many days I went without posting - we cleaned on Thursday and Friday (although there is still a lot to do on that front - the dog hair is never ending...). We did some errands on Friday - it was really cute when we were out, a little girl about Brenna's age just came up to her and grabbed her hand to hold - not sure why, but it was cute!! Brenna loves to shop with her purse and usually has to take one of her pets along in the bag - I'm thinking she may be one of those girls with a small dog in a purse some day!! We went to the mall on Saturday morning - Brenna couldn't wait to go and enjoyed going to the electronic store there (she loves the kitchen and pretend playing there - she gets to open the ovens and play with the knobs and open all the fridge doors). Brenna seems like she really wants one of the Stieff stuffed animals, but as they are really expensive (even here where they are made...) we are trying to hold off buying it for her (although we continue to spoil her with other stuff) (maybe Santa will bring her one for Christmas if she continues to be really attached - I could buy a real dog for the price of the toy one though - but at least there wouldn't be any clean-up!!)
Well, I'm off to an early bedtime! Take Care!
Can't wait to hear more about the castle and the villa replica. The places to visit locally seem so much more interesting than the battlefields that are left around here, such history! Love the bright yellow scarf, very trendy although it would probably just make my face look fatter!!!!! LOL! Oh well, Brenna's face in the second to last pic is too precious. You are such a good photographer!
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