Happy 4th of July to everyone. We are just having a quiet day in today (although we must go to the grocery store later). No cooking or baking going on in our house as the weather is warm (although not unbearable yet - I'm crossing my fingers that I will be in the US if the temperature spikes too hot - an attic apartment is too hot for me already). I wish in some ways that Brenna was old enough to remember more of our time over here (especially the no air conditioning part - I think it is good character building, lol). The weather was cooler here on Thursday and Friday (and rainy in the afternoons) - so we stayed in for the most part. Brenna and I took Justice out for some walks on Thursday between the rain storms - she loves walking her dog (although she wishes she could walk him all by herself). There is a snail attached to one of the garage doors on the house - so Brenna has enjoyed visiting her new outside "pet" (wonder how many days he will be there before he is either not alive anymore or gets hungry and moves on??).
Today and yesterday I did some embroidery projects - I made Dustin a towel with a football hanger and the football helmet on the bottom and I made Brenna a princess castle (although I wouldn't be surprised if she tries to claim both - I'm pretty sure she thinks all project embroideries are hers now, lol). Yesterday, Brenna and I both put on some fake tattoos - this was her first experience with them (they are really cute little animals). About 5 minutes after she had it on, she wanted it off - but I managed to convince her to leave it on so that Dustin could see it. Brenna has two on her belly - a unicorn and mouse rider and a turtle (a girl after her mommy's heart for sure). I tried to get some pics of these, but they didn't come out the best - the tattoos had lots of glare to them. Dustin didn't make it home in time to see Brenna last night, so she is very attached to him today. We are planning to do a boat trip tomorrow - I'm sure Brenna will have a blast with that and the weather should be pretty nice for it :-)
Well, I must go get the laundry - at least it should dry well today (it is amazing how long it takes stuff to dry over here!). Have a great holiday!
Take Care!
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