Posted by DA&B at 11:52 AM 2 comments | Permalink
Labels: Crafts
Posted by DA&B at 12:36 PM 2 comments | Permalink
Labels: Crafts
Posted by DA&B at 11:52 AM 0 comments | Permalink
Labels: Brenna's Pictures, Crafts, Germany
Hello All!!!
Hope everyone is doing better out there than we are here :-( Brenna seems to be feeling a little better today - just a lot of congestion :-( She had no fever today, but we did take her to the doctor to get checked out (although I was surprised that the nurses didn't even do a temperature on her - just asked the question about fever - then the doctor checked her ears, throat, and lungs). We got some cough medicine though - and that seems to be a good thing for Brenna. She started to take a nap for me today, but with the coughing, she woke herself up and couldn't get back to sleep (poor thing). (She made herself sick with the coughing last night - good thing I was able to get those sheets in the wash this morning - yuck in the middle of the night). My stomach hasn't been great today, but so far neither Dustin or I are sick (please cross your fingers that we don't catch it in the next couple days - Dustin flies to England tonight and I will be doing really poorly if I am sick at home with Brenna tomorrow (and doing all the dog duties too, sigh!) or if he is sick in England - yuck there too!).
Well, that is about it for today!
Take Care!
Posted by DA&B at 11:22 AM 1 comments | Permalink
Labels: Germany
Justice really wanted to sniff all our new stuff yesterday. The picture of my little blue "smurf" really doesn't need any other caption, does it??
Posted by DA&B at 11:49 PM 4 comments | Permalink
Labels: Brenna Pic, Justice
Hello All!!!
Hope all is well out there!!! Things have been going well here. Brenna had a long day at Kindergarten yesterday - they had their lunch day (why is it so sad to eat by yourself??? my mornings stay busy when Brenna is gone, but lunch by myself is so sad, lol). Not exactly sure what they had to eat - Brenna said they had pancakes, soup, and potato salad? Sounds like an interesting combination to me, lol!!
The weather here today is foggy - guess our "fans" aren't working to blow the stuff away (in case you are now confused by this statement - watch the cartoon Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, lol). I think I will take Brenna's new umbrella with me to pick her up today - it has been drizzling some. Dustin is back from his trip to Turkey (did I remember to mention that trip, not sure, he is traveling a lot right now - this week was an overnight stay in Turkey, next week is England, the week after that is Cologne (here in Germany), and after that is England again - then I think we are about to Brenna and I flying back to the US, lol)!
One of the blogs I follow posted a great kids singer - Justin Roberts - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RkgAKBljXfU - here is a link to one of his new songs - Pop Fly. This really reminds me of all the stories I have heard from Traci N. about her kids playing t-ball! Anyway, if you have time, check him out. (some other good ones - Airplane food http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6piTKuO_7q0 and Stay at Home Dad http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j8k-XRKT0Pc) He also does some really catchy Christian songs too (although he only sells those as a whole CD - bummer!) Dustin thinks I am nuts for liking him, but Brenna and I really enjoyed the songs!
Well, I better take Justice out real quick before picking up Brenna! Take Care!
Posted by DA&B at 1:57 AM 1 comments | Permalink
Posted by DA&B at 10:37 AM 2 comments | Permalink
Labels: Brenna Pic, Crafts, family pic, Justice
Posted by DA&B at 11:44 AM 2 comments | Permalink
Labels: Crafts
Posted by DA&B at 3:41 AM 2 comments | Permalink
Labels: Brenna Pic, Crafts
Posted by DA&B at 11:48 AM 4 comments | Permalink
Labels: Brenna Pic, Crafts, family pic
Posted by DA&B at 10:40 AM 1 comments | Permalink
Labels: Brenna Pic, Crafts
Brenna enjoying her yummy Krispy Kreme :-) I took some pictures of our wonderful food (I really tried to get a picture of the sandwich I ate at the airport - I'm pretty sure I ate clover, lol!!). First up is the wonderful Sausage roll. This is in the pastry from Cornwall - yum, yum, yum!!
Posted by DA&B at 11:26 AM 2 comments | Permalink
Labels: Cake, family pic, Family travel, Video