Brenna and Kora loving there fingers - yum fingers, lol!

Hope all is well out there! Brenna and I had a fun day yesterday afternoon of baking cookies (although Brenna was much more interested in going around and around in circles at there house - sorry Joy!!). Brenna only had her apron on for like 5 minutes so I still don't have a matching apron shot yet, darn (and you can see from our after pictures that she was all about smiles and posing for the camera too, lol). I'm not sure how many M&M's she had, but I think she ran out all the sugar going around the circle at their apartment!!!
We went into town and had dinner with the American's that will be going back to the US on Saturday. We will be sad to see them all leave (but I am so happy that Noah is going to our house to take care of it until we come back next year :-)
I hope everyone has safe travels back to the US and I hope Kora does great on the trip too. Brenna will really miss her (and Joy too - she spoiled her rotten yesterday, lol!!). I told Dustin that I have to put a comment up here about the parking spaces over here. They are always so narrow that I have a hard time getting back into the car (or out of it!). (that will be something that I won't miss some day, lol). We were in seats that were very warm inside the restaraunt - I couldn't believe how warm my cheeks were by the time we left!! Brenna really wanted fries before we got to dinner, but with it being an Italian place, they didn't have any :-( Dustin ordered here a pepperoni pizza instead and she proceeded to eat just the cheese and pepperoni off of it, lol!! Guess Brenna and I should share the pizza as she eats all the toppings and I usually eat only the crust!!!
Brenna is on her first field trip today. They are going to an apple orchard and making apple juice :-) I hope she has lots of fun and behaves for the people she is going with - cross your fingers. Dustin got to see the inside of the Kindergarten for the 1st time today - I think he was impressed with how nice it is.
Well, I think that about covers all our happenings over the last few days.
Take Care!!
What a lot of baking. Kudos to the two moms with small kiddos at making all of these cookies with them around! Sounds like you guys had a great day together. Hope Brenna has fun making apple juice!
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