Not sure what kind of berry these are above - but love how bright in color they turned out. Below, I love the squashes that this person decorated with - I probably should have cropped out the flowers above more, but I had my hands too full, lol!

Chestnuts on the road - most of these do get picked up - the people here love them!!

Hope all is well out there. Things have been going well here. The weather was really nice yesterday (although maybe a tad muggy with the 80 degree weather - guess that led right into the rain today, lol). It was a really nice day for our walks to and from kindergarten, so that was pretty nice. I had German class yesterday - it is amazing how fast an hour long class goes. After class, I "spaced" on what I was going to do - and ended up not doing anything! Of course, about the time I needed to leave to pick up Brenna I realized that I should have been doing laundry to hang outside - oops!!! I got one load in and then the landlord took over - what a bummer - now I need to wash sheets and with the rain I don't have any places to hang them!!! I will look forward to a time when I have my own washer and dryer back :-)
Late in the afternoon, we took Justice for a nice long walk around the neighborhood. With all the Americans going back to the states here, it made me realize again that my time here is limited and this will be the last fall I will see here in Germany. So, I decided along with the dog (think 70 pound Golden retriever) and Brenna in her stroller, I would strap on my camera and try to get some pictures of our town, lol!! I think I did a pretty good job with the pictures - just wish I could have gotten one of all three of us and how we look every day, lol! I did get plenty of comments from folks along the way as I let Brenna take along some entertainment so that the long walk was possible. There were plenty of blurry pictures yesterday with having my hands so full - oh well, at least it is all digital!
Yesterday evening, Brenna and I decided that the "new" jar of Nutella needed to be used up in our house (thanks Joy - you guys were the 2nd Americans to leave that stuff with us, lol!!!). We made a Nutella muffin mix (although I just made one big one, lol) (that doesn't count as a cake, right??? - too bad I kept telling Brenna it was cake yesterday - I'm sure she will bust me with Dustin, lol!!!)
Well, that is it for our day yesterday!
Take Care!
btw - we are off to London for the weekend, not sure if I will get a post up tomorrow, but look for new trip pictures next week :-)
OMG! I missed a post! How can that be??? OH well, just thought you should know that I finally saw this one while perusing the blog. That sad apple tree with no leaves, that's different, along with all the chestnuts on the road.
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