Justice really wanted to sniff all our new stuff yesterday. The picture of my little blue "smurf" really doesn't need any other caption, does it??

Hopefully my post today will be somewhat coherent - we have been up since 4 am today (or is it 3 am - our time changed today - what a way to "gain" an extra hour). Anyway, we kind of knew it may be a difficult night last night - Brenna started getting very congested yesterday afternoon and also started running a fever (bummer - it was the first time we needed to get our thermometer out for her since we have been here and the battery was dead! so we went to the mall in search of medicine for Brenna (which we didn't come home with much - most was older children stuff) and a new thermometer (we got one that reads in 1 second! - guess it is good for a child who is always on the go, lol)). We ended up bringing all kinds of extras home yesterday - a set of wings, a new fairy costume, bath foam and color, and two new winter hats (o.k. - that was just the stuff we bought for Brenna - I also bought some new socks and tights - I have to wonder why I can never just buy one new pair of socks or tights - I always end up buying several more than I really need - poor Dustin (but they look great with my new boots - apparently I am starting a make over with my feet and working my way up, lol)). We had quite the time looking around the mall yesterday - I couldn't believe that the grocery store at the mall actually had Pam cooking spray (I haven't seen that here in the year that we have lived here), microwave popcorn, mini marshmellows, Reese cups (can you believe that Dustin didn't buy these), and Ritz crackers :-) Can you already tell by my wordy intro that I need to go back to bed, lol!??! At least we did have some o.k. sleep between 10 and 4. I kind of wondered with her long naps this week (off and on) if something was coming on - bummer that it seems to be a cold or flu bug :-(
Yesterday morning, Brenna complained about her bangs being in her eyes too much. Little did she realize that once mommy got started cutting, she was going to cut off inches in the back as well. I think it looks good on her - She will probably always look good with any haircut and color on her! Anyway - she doesn't like having her hair pulled back, so I thought something shorter with clips might be really wonderful (for anyone reading - Brenna could really use the Goody Stay Put hair clips for Christmas (for anyone with small kids - these are awesome and don't move from the spot you put them in) (I found some cute ones at Kroger when we were at home around her birthday (but the website does say they are available at Walmart, Meijer, and Kroger - o.k. - enough begging here on Christmas items - I prefer to think of it as giving you guys ideas for Christmas, lol)). I am thinking about letting her bangs grow out (which is why I was putting off cutting them) - she is always so warm, that I think less hair on her face would be better. You know it is funny, but I never, ever thought that I would cut Brenna's hair (at least not anything more than bang trimming - poor child, lol!).
With the new bath "toys", Brenna was begging for a bath since she woke up this morning - can you tell she was having lots of fun with the new colors. (wish you could have seen the water - it was a nice pink shade from the bath foam :-)
We also made no-bake cookies here yesterday - yummy!!!
Well, I think that about covers our day yesterday! Hopefully, Brenna will feel better soon!
Take Care!
Tell the beautiful fairy to get better real fast...we feel for her and hope she is on the mend. It looks like lots of fun at your place anyway. The trick-or-treaters wil look great in their robot, by Eric and dog by Alexis and Grandma.Snow White will be seen as well as Pooh and Eyeore today.
Good job on Brenna's hair, she does look good no matter what. I bet she will be very happy with it. Did Justice ask for his hair cut, too? just kidding!
hah - too funny, I took a "whack" at his hair here recently (although I didn't think it looked as good as Brenna's)
Stop whacking!!! LOL! what will you do with all the hair? Is it recyclable???? LOL! I hope that Brenna is feeling better soon. I know all too well how not fun a sick 3 year old can be. Her hair is super cute too! I love the wings too, perhaps that'll be the next thing I try to figure out how to do! Sounds like you had a nice time walking around the mall (I didn't know there was one over there!) and yay for finding PAM cooking spray, how awesome (at least now I won't be on the governments list for trying to ship and explosive or something!) Get some rest, at least we gained an hour so maybe I can talk to you on more than just the weekend, too bad it doesn't last for more than a few weeks! Love ya!
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