So, these are pictures taken from Brenna's last day of Kindergarten - I love her attitude in the morning :-)

So, these are pictures taken from Brenna's last day of Kindergarten - I love her attitude in the morning :-)
Posted by DA&B at 4:47 AM 2 comments | Permalink
Labels: Brenna Pic, Flower pics, Germany
Today, I decided to share pictures from Brenna's birthday and also some recent fun with face paints. I loved the look on Brenna's face above with her SpongeBob card from Uncle Rusty :-) Below, hugging one of her new stuffed animals - she wants to name everything Slimey right now, so I think that is his current name, lol! (it is usually either Slimey or Spike - wondering how long it will be before everything is Hannah (that is her current favorite show)).
Posted by DA&B at 11:33 AM 1 comments | Permalink
Labels: Brenna Pic, Cake, face painting, family pic, Family travel, Ohio
Dustin was extremely busy last week - he ripped out all our old carpet, put in Brenna's new swingset, and repainted the laundry room (along with being around when the new carpet was installed and sweeping up after the new carpet was put in - what a man! Thanks for all your hard work Dustin - we love you!!!). Brenna loves her new swingset - now she can't wait for the sand to be added underneath :-) Dustin and I also painted a large majority of the house since we have returned - the living room and hall, our bedroom, and what will now be my craft room all have a new coat of paint :-). Below is a picture of the room after Dustin ripped out the carpet (we painted the gray on the walls with the old carpet still in - we painted everything before Brenna's birthday party and then put the carpet in after the party).
Posted by DA&B at 5:28 PM 1 comments | Permalink
Labels: Ohio house
Hello All!!!
Hope all is well out there! Things are still crazy around our house - we painted our first week (and Brenna got a chance to spend a great week with Dustin's parents - thank you so much!!) and then on Saturday the 14th we had Brenna's 4th birthday party (today is her birthday - Happy birthday Brenna - you are getting so big!). Lots of pictures to post - hopefully next week I will get them up on the computer. We just got our internet yesterday, but tomorrow and Friday we are getting new carpet installed (yeah - can't believe how different the house will look with new paint and carpet :-) With the lack of furniture, it is still very empty in the house (or at least upstairs), but our stuff from US storage will be delivered Tuesday of next week :-) Brenna is loving her new birthday gifts - we played our first CD in her new SpongeBob CD player this morning (Dustin and I gave her a Hannah Montana CD for her birthday), lots of Candyland and Chutes and Ladders, her new guitar, and her bead animals. Brenna met the neighbor girl next door, Elizabeth, and is having lots of fun playing with her :-)
Well, lots to do and play time to be attended too :-)
Take Care!
Posted by DA&B at 12:37 PM 0 comments | Permalink
Labels: Ohio
Hello All!!
Well, we are back in Ohio safe and sound :-) Our flight yesterday was fairly uneventful - Brenna was well entertained with the TV (she watched Shrek and old Disney cartoons) and also paper and stickers (although those weren't nearly as entertaining this trip as the last). Brenna dozed off about an hour before landing and slept thru the landing (interesting tidbit here - Brenna slept through all the take offs and landings when she came home from Guatemala, and now it is funny to me that she slept thru the landing coming home from Germany). Brenna is such an experienced flier - although with the Germany adventure ending it will be interesting how soon she flies anywhere again. Justice did well getting dropped off for the flight (thank goodness we were able to check our bags in with the dog - the lines were unbelievable in Frankfurt) only snag there was we had to put a soft item in his crate, so I let him lay with my favorite pullover - I'm sure it is fine other than lots of dog hair (and maybe some dog drool). We were so excited to have the dog back and then our suitcases that we left Brenna's carseat behind (but it didn't take Dustin too long to go back in and get it - at least we remembered before we left the airport - although we didn't notice until after we were loading up my sister's car). Thanks for picking us up Renee - it was great visiting with you on the drive home :-) Love you girl!
I have been keeping notes on what has been going on since the movers packed up our items in Germany, but that will have to wait until after we have settled in a little more (lots to unpack, painting to be done and my hand writing to figure out...)
Hope all is well out there!!
Take Care!
Posted by DA&B at 4:39 AM 2 comments | Permalink
Labels: Family travel